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Later that night after I've showered my day away and the darkness has covered the sky, I can't help but think about today. Did I really disappear for hours? The timeline from when I was down there doesn't match up. I can't process that whole situation, but there has to be an explanation behind it.

I walk into my small living room and go over to my bag that rests on the brown sofa. I take out the folder I was given and examine it before placing it on the coffee table in front of me. I run my hands through my damp hair and walk over to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water. I turn on the tv for background noise and return to my spot on my couch.

Flipping open the cover of the folder I am immediately met with a photo of my new and first patient. His eye draw my attention first, their bright green aura captivating me through the photo. His brown curly hair makes him appear young, he almost has an innocent look to him.

I place the photo beside me and hold up the first paper.

Name: Harry Styles.

Age: 23

Date of Birth: February 1st. 1930

Place of Birth: London, England.

Parents: Stephanie Styles and Robert Taylor.

Siblings: None.

Reason for Lockup: Mister Styles was convicted guilty of the two confirmed murders of his parents, Stephanie and Robert. At the age of 19 he was taken into custody after a call had been made by his neighbours. He has been in custody for 4 years and has been sentenced to life with no chance of parole. Harry Styles' lawyer pleaded on an account of insanity, claiming Styles has been suffering from multiple mental disorders since a young age. Harry was placed in the Mother Mary Insane Asylum rather than being placed in jail. With shown improvement Harry could be eligible for parole in 10 years.

Notes from previous caretakers: Harry can be a good patient, but there are strange things that go on with him. I was told he had seizures and had to watch over him more than usual. During what I thought was a seizure episode, he began acting rather strange. He was foaming at the mouth and his eyes were nothing I've ever seen before. The atmosphere around him changes, there is a feeling of comfort and friendliness, but there is also a sense of unbearable fear.
-Oliva Mayers , Mother Mary Insane Asylum.

Mental/health disorders:
•Bipolar disorder
•Mild to extreme paranoia
•Horrific hallucinations
•Post traumatic stress disorder
•Compulsive behaviour
•Evidence of self harm
•High blood pressure
•Chronic migraines
•History of suicidal behaviour
•History of alcohol and drug addictions

Criminal record:
•Armed robbery
•Public intoxication
•Public disturbance
•Grand theft auto
•Abuse charges
•Destroying public property
•Attempted manslaughter
•Attempted kidnapping
•First degree murder on two accounts

Police reports:
Styles was first brought into the station on a theft charge, he was caught taking a bottle of liquor from the local market. When his parents denied bailing him, we took notice of his strange and abnormal behaviour. He would talk to himself and sit facing the wall for a while. He had this creepy look to him, he would rock himself back and forth in the cell. We found out he had a history of multiple mental disorders, and that he was always doing strange things. After that first visit to the station, it's like he did whatever he could to come back. His neighbours called constantly on noise complaints and fights that occurred almost nightly. Styles became a familiar face and name around the force. Almost all of the officers had dealt with him for one reason or another. In '49 he was convicted of murdering his parents, when interviewed he claimed to have not remembered committing the crime though he showed no emotion of apparently learning of the death of his parents. Harry did claim he was abused his whole childhood which caused the mental disorders, he mentioned his father sexually abusing him as well as physically along with his mother. There was no way to prove his disorders were caused by this alleged abuse, but the stories he spoke of could not have been made up.
- Officer James Hangar, London Police Department

Additional notes:
Harry is a rare case, his aura is completely strange and his presence could be a chilling one. His demeanour changes often and quickly. The smallest thing could trigger him into one of his many episodes. He is the type of patient that needs to be tended to almost all day, he scratches himself to the point of blood. He also hits his head against the wall or hits himself on whatever he can. He talks to himself quite often and says things that are irrelevant. Whoever is his caretaker next, I pray that they do not fear evil and can fend for themselves. Harry has a way of getting to you.

I place the papers on the couch beside me and sit back agains the cushions. I turn my attention to the small television that shows a news broadcast.

"We have confirmed news tonight about a murder that occurred in the early hours of the morning yesterday. Twenty four year old Louis Tomlinson was found at around four thirty A.M in a back alley behind a dumpster by a local shopmen. Jane has more on that story."

I stare at the photo of the murdered man, my heart picking up pace a bit. The man in the photo looks exactly like the lost guy in the hospital today. The same facial structure, the same hair and placement of it, the same eyes and charming smile. It couldn't be possible for the guy on the tv to have been the same one at work, one of them is dead and the guy told me his name was Logan. I don't want to think too much into it but I'm not fully convinced considering the uncanny resemblance.

"The cause of death of this young man has yet to be known, police are still investigating the crime and are expected to have the area the body was found closed off until there are more leads. Investigators are asking anyone with information on the death of Louis to call them immediately."

I continue to stare at the tv screen after the picture has changed to the upcoming weather. I turn off the television and begin to arrange the paper mess beside me, placing Harry's photo in the front. I turn off the lamp and take the folder to my work bag; placing it inside, I walk towards the kitchen, stopping to put down my bag underneath the coat rack that hangs behind the front door.

I enter the kitchen and run the cold water. I grab a glass and a bowl; sliding over towards the fridge, I grab a bag of purple grapes and place them inside of the bowl, I fill up my glass and turn it off along with the lights. I manage my way through the small space in the dark, making my way down the hall towards my bedroom.

*Edited on 6.12.18*

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