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I'm walking down a hallway, it looks like the hospital. It's quite dark and quiet, I have an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. I don't have a destination but I continue walking down the hall, the lights above me seem dimmer than usual. All of the doors along the walls are dark and quiet, usually there are some patients awake during the nights.

I begin to see a metal door coming up in front of me. I begin to speed my pace when I catch sight of the metal door. I reach the door in seemingly no time, my hands suddenly hold the keys and are reaching towards the lock. The sound of the door unlocking is too dramatic; I feel like I shouldn't be going inside of this room, the unsettling feeling is beginning to settle in my stomach once again, I want to stop walking and turn around, but I can't.

I push the metal door open and it makes an awful creaking sound. The light from the hall broke the darkness in the room, lighting my way inside. The anxiousness inside my stomach builds the more I walk inside. I stop where the light from the door ends, my breath seems stuck in my throat. I reach my hand out in front of me, my eyes search for something, anything in front of me that I possibly could be reaching for. I'm trying to move from this spot and get the hell out of here, but I feel stuck.

Suddenly I feel something touch my fingers, I let out a surprised gasp and try to retract my hand, but nothing happens, my arm remains reached out into the dark part of the room. My panic ceases slightly when I realize it's another hand. I can tell when I feel the other persons fingers lace with my own. I feel confused, but oddly comforted. I hold the persons hand and turn my head in inspection, when out of nowhere, a streak of moonlight appears and lights up a beautiful pair of green eyes. The persons thumb glides along my hand, and I take a step forward. I feel their left hand rest on my hip, and I take another step. A feeling of comfort settles in me as I continue to stare at the eyes in front of me.

"There is nothing that can prepare you.." The persons voice was deep and raspy like he had just woken up. I tried to speak, to question the man on his identity to figure out why I feel so comforted around him.

Suddenly, the pair of beautiful green appear angry. I can't look away; the welcoming feeling of ease was washed away when I noticed the eyes turn dark green, I had to continue watching until the bright green was replaced completely with pure black. The grip on my hand got tighter, my body felt weak. The man pulled me towards him roughly; the light blue moonlight disappeared, enveloping me in darkness. I tried to step back, to get into the light from the hall. As soon as the thought crossed, the metal door slammed shut which caused me to jump.

I heard a laugh in my ear, I felt the hard body of the person holding me against my front. Their arm wraps around me, I remain completely still unwillingly. I felt their breath against the skin of my ear and the base of my neck. I felt my arm begin to raise and wrap around the mans neck. His laughter increased as did his grip on my body.

"No matter what you do, you cannot escape me. My little flower." His deep voice whispered to me, my heartbeat was racing and I felt like I was being suffocated. I couldn't move or scream, I couldn't do anything and I felt helpless. The mans laughter continued, the darkness around me felt heavy. The grip on my body tightened continuously, to the point of pain, it wouldn't stop and I still couldn't still make a sound.

Suddenly I began to hear a pounding on the walls around me, it got louder each minute and could be felt in my chest and rattled my ears. My head began to pound as the banging on the walls got more aggressive, I was being held tightly against the mans body as he had his head in the crook of my neck, his breath still hitting my skin making me uncomfortable.

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