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There was a cry and a shake. The loud wail of a baby echoed all around and the mountain shook at its base, rubble clattered down onto the village harmlessly as the mother tried to calm her fearful child.

"Xavier, shh, it's ok, I'm here, "she smiled at her newborn child as she reassured him. He calmed, rendering himself to soft hiccups before silence. Kendal sighed down at her child, her slim finger tracing his little plump bottom lip." My little angel. "The child stared up at her with wide curiously vibrant green eyes. His small fist bumped his mouth as he attempted to get it all into his mouth. He grinned a toothless grin and hiked his left foot up, holding his toes with his left hand.

"Kendal?" A voice called walking into the hut. Kendal looked away from her gorgeous baby boy.

"In here, Merida. "She called glancing down at Xavier who cooed and played with his blanket, ignoring her all together as he held the cloth tightly in his tiny fist.

"The chief has been waiting for you, he's getting rather impatient." Kendal felt her mood darken.

"What does he want now? "She hissed. Merida blinked down at the baby beside her on the fur covered bed and sighed.

"What he always wants." She said, approaching her and kneeling beside her to get a better look at the baby. "Kendal, please, spare us the unnecessary pain and just go to him." She begged.

"Sister, I hate him! "She threw her hands up over her head." Is it too much to ask that I get some rest? I just gave birth after all. "She growled low and Merida frowned at her. There was a moment of silence before Kendal sighed and lifted a weak hand up to her silver coloured hair." I will go, him, OK? "Merida smiled softly, her jade coloured eyes shining with sympathy.

"I will, sister." Merida reached out her calloused hand towards her sister's smaller and more feminine hand, she gave Kendal a squeeze. " careful."

"I will. "Kendal said and stood with a wince, she clutched her stomach as she was hit with a sudden cramp. Merida reached out and helped her as she herself stood to her feet.

"Are you ok?" Merida asked panicked as she made Kendal sit back down. "Should I get Owen?" Kendal shook her head before looking down at her son.

"I'm fine. "She reached a hand to touch Xavier's outstretched one. The feel of his soft silky baby skin calmed her and suddenly a wave of peace rushed over her the longer she looked into her son's eyes, the pain subsided and she took a deep breath. She stood again, feeling fresh and much more lively she walked out of the room. Merida stared at her retreating back before looking back at Xavier who giggled and squealed.

Merida smiled down at her nephew and stuck her tongue out at him, he reached out to grab it but instead caught her tangled brown hair. She laughed with the boy, feeling content and somewhat sad.

"My brother will not be happy. "She mumbled down to him as he gazed up at her in wonder. "When he finds out, he will be furious. "

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