Second HogCon Challenge!

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Hello, Muggles and Magical Folk!

This is Saturna Plover officially announcing the second Hogwarts Confidential challenge!

It's not unlike the first challenge, for whoever gets all the correct answers and is the third person to Private Message them to me will win the challenge!

This is how it will work: I'll ask six questions, and if you get at least four of those questions right, you'll be disclosed as a winner! But say, the third person to send the answer isn't correct... I'll pick another winner by means of how their answers stack up against each other... 

The prize? Well, there will be a prize, but it is yet to be disclosed... it's a surprise to whoever wins the contest!

So, without further adou, here are the five questions... try your best to resist the urge to search the answers on that Muggle search engine... Google, isn't it? 

Good luck!

Sincerely, Saturna Plover


1. What is fatal to a basalisk? (No, the answer is not "Godric Gryffindor's sword!")

2.  What does the Goblin word, "Bladvak" mean in English? (The first letter is "P"...)

3. What is the language of the Goblins called? (Starts with a G...)

4. What color is Barty Crouch Junior's hair?

5. Where does Uncle Vernon work? (Has an "ing" in it...)

6. What was the name of Lavender Brown's rabbit? (Begins with a "B"...)

Remember: If you answer at least four questions right, you can win! Write down your answers and Private Message them to me! Best of luck!

*NOTICE* The contest window for this challenge is now closed. Stay tuned for future challenges!

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