Hufflepuff Acrostic

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Warning: This is probably the worst of the acrostics. I knew I had to make all of the Houses, and I couldn't leave out good 'ol 'Puff! But this... is just awful. SO I CHALLENGE YE! *Trumpet plays* To write better acrostics! Whoever comes up with the best one will have in posted in their name!

H elpful

U nappreciated

F riendly

F aithful

L oyal

E ncompasses the values of all four houses

P atient

U nafaid of toil*

F air and just


*This was a quote from one of the Sorting Hat songs.

** I was completely at a loss for characteristics, so I came up with the only F-word that explained Hufflepuffs... Fabulous! (I'm sorry.)

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