Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Lynettes POV

Clark looked ready to kill my father. But he should not kill him it was the other guy. "Clark let him go. He did not kill him it was him."I said and pointed at the other guy. He wouldnt move. "Clark I know you are upset. But do not kill my father. I know I hate him alot right now but you don't have to kill him."I said. "Lynette he is responsible for my little brothers death. I understand he is your father but he died so now someone else must die."He said.

"Johnny do something."I said. But he just stayed silent. "Would Eric want you to do this?"I asked looking at Clark. "Huh."He breathed out. Then he let go of him. My dad was about to walk out the door.

SNAP. "Huaaa!"I gasped. I saw my dad he was on the ground dead. I ran to him. "No.No. No."I said. Tears streaming down my face. "Why! Why Clark!"I yelled and looked at him. The other hunters were about to make a move to get them. "NO! All of you go!! Except you two get my father out of here."I said. They both nodded and picked him up and left outside to their car.

"Clark you will regret this day."I said. "Lynette my brother is dead. Your father is at fault."He said. I noiteced one of the men left a their weapon. I grabbed it before any of them noitced. The other guys were all lifting Eric up.

Eric please forgive me for what I am about to do. I thought to myself. They all went to the living room and layed him of the couch. I grabbed a paper and wrote a note. Hopefully Johnny will find it.

"Clark."I said. Then he came over. "I will never forgive you for what you did. You should not have killed him. You should have killed the guy who really killed your brother. You know I really wish I could kill you right now."I said. "Well Lynette I dont care. Your father was scum. He was a killer."He said.  "You know I thought I would feel bad about this."I said. He looked confused.

I pulled out the gun. I shot it three times in his shoulder lower rib chage and a right under his hear.

"You bit-"Was all he said before he fell unconsciene. "What  the hell happened?"I heard Johnny yell. "He is not dead."I said. Then I walked out of the house. The car of hunters thankfully waited for me.

I have to much of a heart to kill him. "Lets go."I said. Now I was going home. I am became hunter. My father wanted me to become one so I guess I will.

Johnny's POV

I cant believe she shot him. He was not dead but would be in a hell of pain for a while. I guess this is the last time I would see her.

"Hua. Where is she? I'm going to kill her."Clark shot up. "She is gone. Now relax we have a do something with Eric's body."Adrian said. He nodded and got up. Then all three bullets fell on the ground.

We all picked up his body. Then walked down the stairs for the basement. We had to keep him some where. We were going to put him in the family plot. Which was already there. He had a coffin already. Just no body. So we have to go back to town and in the cemtary and and dig and put him in the box.

"Eric we will all miss you. May your soul rest in peace."CLark said. Then we all went upstairs.

I went upstairs to my room. I sat down at my desk. I loved this girl and now she was gone. I looked up and saw an evelope. It said Johnny on it. On the back it said from Lynette. I opened it and it read:

Dear Johnny,

I am sorry about your loss. I am sorry for my loss. I hate Clark. If you are reading this then you know I shot him. He is fine I know. But know that my father is gone I will be gone to. I will become a hunter just like he wished. I now know that just because you and you vampire family have souls, doesnt every vampire has a soul. And Clark has made sure of that. I will always love you and miss you. But know that you will always be in my heart. I hope I am in yours.

                                                                                                                        Love Lynette Faith Garcia.

She was gone. The love of my life is never going to see me again. "AHHHHH!"I yelled.

Lynettes POV

7 monthes later

I graduated early so I could go to hunter school. Which I have also completed. I no longer talked to any of my high school friends because that could put them in danger. I did miss them dearly though.

Tonigh I was leading a team deep into the woods to kill some vampires. We all had to go in groups of two. But we have an uneven number so I was going by myself. With me I had two guns full of wooden bullets. One stake in both my boots, a sword, a belt with wooden bullets and knifes.

It is alot but you never know what situation you will be in. I walked in the woods. I decided to do a check in on the radio. "Check in Lynette."I said. Then everyone else did there check in. "Okay as you were."I said. Then contiued my walk.

I heard a twig snap. I smiled alittle. "Come out."I said. I heard rustling around behind me. I turned taking my gun out. "Come out now."I said. "How about you put that gun down."I heard a man whisper in my ear. I turn quickly.

I saw a man not to far away from me. "How about we do this the normal way. Sword on sword. Since I do not have any other weapon. Now how about it hunter. Or will you loose."He said. I was not going to fight him. "Okay."I said. Faking a smile I put my gun down. When I see a moment of relaxation on him I shoot.

"AHHHH!" He screamed. I walked up to him a grabbed my stake and put it through his heart. Then I lite a my lighter a set him on fire. The fire was quickly put out by me after he was ash. "This is Lynette who has kills?"I asked. They all had killed one. "Okay meet up at base."I said. Then walked back.

I felt eyes on me. "Who is there?"I asked. "You were in love."The voice said. "With a vampire yet you kill them also."The voice that was a man said. "How do you know that?"I yelled. "I can read your thoughts. Nothing to personal just about the past."He said.

"Well show yourself."I said. "I can not do that what if you kill me."He said. "I wont."I said. "How can I trust you."He asked. Huh. I sighed to myself. I took out all my weapons and put them on the floor. "There."I said.

Then I saw a man. Taller than me. Green eyes. Short black hair. His skin ofcourse pale. "Now I wont hurt you."He said. "But you betterr not hurt me."He added. "What do you want? Why were you following me?"I asked.

"Well I saw you one day. You looked very sad. Then I saw your mind. I was just very curious. You love a vampire but you kill them."He said. "I did love one. I havent seen him in along time. I don't need to. I have nothing to say to him or his family."I said. "Well what was his name?"He asked. "Johnny VanDam."I said. His eyes widened.

"You fell in love with a VanDam."He said. Why was I telling him this. I had to go. What was I to do with this vampire. "I must go. Next time don't expext to just talk."I said. Then I picked up my stuff and left.

At base I was the last one. They all asked if I was ok. I just said I dropped all my stuff. Then we all went back to HQ. We had a choice live at home or HQ. I chose HQ so I didnt have to be called away from home everyday.

I checked in then went to my room. I sat down on my bed. How could that stupid vampire care about Johnny. Johnny. Huh I missed him so much. I looked at my mail. "Junk Junl Junk, Letter."I said. It did not say who it was from.

I opened it. It read:

Dear Lynette,

 It certainly has been a long time. I hope you are doing good Lynette. Lynette I am asking you now because I love you. Please come back. Clark is gone. Adrian is with him. I am alone. I miss you Lynette. I love you. If you want to talk meet me tomorrow in the woods.


Oh my gosh. Should I go?


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