Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lynette's POV

I opened my eyes. What happened? I looked around the room. Where am I? I tried to lift myself up but I couldn't move. Why can't I remember anything? I closed my eyes and focused hard. Then everything came to me.

My father and his friend put truth serum in me. Then when I told them I loved Johnny. My father freaked out. Then they left and came back with another serum. I screamed as they injected it in me. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was- do whatever it takes to make sure she forgets that the vampires are kind make sure she knows they are monsters. Make sure she becomes a hunter.

My dad was going to send me away. Make sure I become a hunter. He is crazy. I tried getting up again. This time a suceeded. But I couldn't walk. I looked to my side a the night stand. There was a cup of water. I reached over and picked it up. My hand was very shaky. I trued to bring the glass to my lips but couldnt.

Then in a flash someone was hellping me drink the water. I looked over and yelled. "Who the hell are you?"I yelled. "Lynette it's me Johnny."The man said with a concered look on his face. Johnny? The one I love. I looked at him in the eyes. I tried really hard to focus. Then images in my head started to flash.

"Johnny. I am so sorry."I said. "Why are you sorry?"He asked. "Because I told them everything. They put thruth serum in me. I had no choice."I said. "Lynette it's okay. We are not in our little town in Virgina. We are still in Virgina just far away from that town. They can't fond us."He said.

"What happened to me?"I asked. "They drugged you. We are not sure why though. Probely to get you not to struggle. Do you remember anything that happend from after they drugged you?"He asked. "Jus my dad saying something about me becoming a huner. Then I blacked out. why what happened?"I asked. "Well after they drugged you I found you. I beat the guy that was there then brought you back to my house. You starrted screaming. You were seeing thing then when me and my brothers tried to calm you down you held out a knife. After that you fainted. and it's been about 3 days sonce then."He said.

"Three days. I was asleep for three days."I said. "Yes I know. Well I will leave you to get changed and shower there are clothes on the chair for you. I nodded. Okay I am going to get up. I slowly got out of the bed. I stumbled forward right when I stepped off it. "Oww!"I said

I got up again. It took me about 10 minutes to get to the other side of the room where the bathroom was. I took a quick shower. I could barley stand up. I got out and dried off then put my clothes on. I brushed my hair then sat back down.

"Huh." I said. I really hope I am not on the sesond floor of the house. I thought to myself. RIght as I am about to try walking again Johnny came in. "Do you want something to eat?"He asked. I nodded. I got up slowly but quickly fell. "Are you okay?"Johnny asked. I nodded. Then he helped me back up. He put one of my hands over his shoulded and we walked. He was going really slowly to make sure I didnt fall. "Thank you."I said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Welcome."He said.

We walked into the kitchen. There were three people. Who the hell where they? They all looked familiar but I couldnt figure out who they where. "Look who is finally awake."One of them said. I guess they were talking about me. "Who are you?"I said. "Johnny?"One of them said. "She barely remembered me."Johnny said. "You all look familiar though I just can't figure it out."I said. "Okay well I am Clark. This is Adrian. He is Eric. We are all brothers."The Clark guy said. Right after they said that I remember everything about them.

I felt alittle dizzy. My whole body dropped down. I could here voices alll around me. When I tried to open my eyes I couldn't. It was like I was dreaming. Not dreaming though. Memories. I was hearing things every where. "I love you. vampires. Vampire Hunter. VanDam Brothers."There was to many things going on. I heard words everywhere. "Ahhhh!"I screamed. I could not handle this.

Then it got quiet. I looked around. All I saw was two people. A man and woman. The woman looked like, me? Then the guy looked like Johnny. "I am a vampire. Me and my brothers."He said. Then everything around me faded.

I opened my eyes. I was panting. "Lynette what happened?"Johnny asked. "I looked at him and then all the other guys. They were vampires. "Lynette what happened?"He asked again. "Memories. Words. I don't know. Like everything I forgot came back to me all at once. And you are all vampires."I said.

"Yes we are."Johnny said. I would probely be freaked out right now. But I some how I know none of them would never hurt me. "I need water."I said. Then quickly Eric got up and went to get some. When he came back I thanked him and drank the water.

My gosh. Why is this all happening. Oh yeah. I am suppose to be a vampire hunter but I love a vampire. I loved Johnny. "Eric take her to living room to sit down. We will be right back."Johnny said. Then him Adrian and Clark left. Eric helped me up and took me to the living room.

Eric. He is the one I was worried about. I remember how I pushed him into a bush. "Are you okay?"He asked. "I'm fine. Just alittle confused."I said. "Oh well Lynette I know now is not the best time but I need to tell you something before it is to late."He said.

Oh no. I so did not want to hear what he had to say. "Lynette I like you. I don't know why when I first met you I just saw you and I felt something I have never felt before."He said. "Eric. I love Johnny. I'm sorry."I said. "Well I know but I just wanted you to know that."He said then he kissed my cheek.

I opened my mouth to say something but then a boom came from the door. "Stay here."He said. I was freaking out. Right when he opened the door I heard him yell out in pain. Oh my gosh.

"Lynette where are you?"I heard someone yell. I got up but fell to the ground. From me falling it made a boom. Damn. They knew where I was. I looked over and saw my father. "Lynette."He said. Then he came to me and picked me up and put me over his shoulders. I screamed.

"Put me down."I yelled. I got one glance at Eric. I saw that they were about to stake him. No. I kicked my father so hard he fell. I got up quickly. Like all my stregth returned to my legs. I ran as fast as I could to get to Eric.

"Stop."I yelled. They all looked at me. "Don't kill him."I said. "Girl why do you want him to live? He is a monster."He said. "Because they are not monsters."I said. They all laughed. Then one of the men held me back. They staked him. "NOO!"I yelled.

I saw Eric look at me. His eyes full of saddness. He then mouthed I love you to me. I started crying. I just mouthed back I love you. Then the man holding me let me go. I ran to Eric's limp body. "Eric."I said. "Lynette tell my brothers Thanks for all those years."He said. "No your going to be fine dint talk like that. Here bite my wrist."I said. He just smiled at me and took my hand into his.

"Lynette it's my time to go."He said. What do I do? Then with all his stegth he sat up and his lips went to mine. I kissed him back. I loved Johnny but he was about to die.

"Thank you. I will tresure that forever. And Lynette make sure no one forgets about me."He said. "Eric I will always remember you."I said. After that he went limp in my arms and closed his eyes.

I turned around. All the hunters looked shocked. Then I truned the other way and saw Johnny Clark and Adrian. I got up and faced my father and the hunters. "You see. He was no monster. None of them are. They all have souls."I yelled.

My father was about to say something but then Clark flashed over to my father. He had his arms around his neck ready to stap. Oh no. I hated my father right now. But he is my father I can't let him be killed. What am I going to do?


Whoa whats gunna happen next?? Well hope you all enjoyed. Please Comment and Vote. What did you think of this chapter? Thank you

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