My Paradise

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I have a special place in my world
I call it my paradise
And everywhere I step
Is filled with memories.

In my mind I see
Ghosts of our past selves
Still caught in time
Still caught in hope, and love, and passion.

In my paradise
I have a favorite corner
Where our ghosts like to linger the most
And in that corner
I like to sit
Imagining your arms wrapped around me.

Sometimes I still believe
I can smell your skin
Haunting the air.

There, in my paradise's little corner,
I tell you about my day.
You comfort me when I'm sad,
And rejoice with me on the good days.
I whisper my hopes, dreams, secrets, and fears
I'm wishing you were really here.

And when it's time to leave my paradise
I kiss you goodbye
Not with a kiss of "Adieu", but "I'll see you soon"
I'll see you soon in paradise.

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