My Restless Heart for You

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Before you I was a shadow of myself
Never really there, always hiding in the dark
Because fear and sadness had overcome my heart.
I had sworn I would never love again.

6 months with you and I was a little girl again and you were my summertime.
We shared our physical attractions, promises and dreams.
It could've been forever and always.

But maybe things got too rough
Maybe you finally had enough
Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
So you took back our photos and your clothes,
The jacket you gave me when I was cold.
And you took back your heart, mine with it too,
You left with every part of me.

Seven weeks later, we still keep in touch
'Cause that's how "friends" are supposed to be.
But the background on your phone is of your new girl
And your password is the letter M.
Just like the high tide, the ocean pulls you off the shore away from me.
Again you're swept away by the wind.

But I still write hand written notes
And poems only for your eyes to see
About the war my heart is still fighting for you.
Without you, my heart will never be free.
My love to you is as endless as the stars
Oh won't you come back to me?
One last chance is all I need.

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