7|- The Gallery

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Revitalized from her workout, Alyssa sat for a moment in her SUV and enjoyed the waves of endorphins following an epic workout. She felt great. Alive. Recharged. Ready to tackle anything and anyone. Especially anyone. In the form of one very sexy, sweaty Ethan Davies.

He'd stayed on her mind for the rest of her grueling hour. A lingering heat that hummed beneath the skin, a sensation she couldn't shake as it sank deeper and deeper into her belly. Alyssa honestly couldn't recall the last time since she'd been this attracted to a man. Cancer had been a real libido killer, when coupled with chemo she'd gone almost a full year without the slightest inclination or interest towards sex.

Then the surgeries had all but obliterated it with insecurity and self-doubt. Sebastian had lamented her lack of sex drive constantly in those early days, and hadn't stuck around long after the post-op.

Kicking the car into gear Alyssa drove back to the cabin to shower and change, her thoughts all tangled up in the past.

            In hindsight, his abrupt departure had probably been a bit of a blessing, though it certainly hadn't felt like one at the time. Not when she'd had to practically crawl from vendor to vendor, dragging what remained of her dignity behind her as she dealt with the aftermath of putting the brakes on a sixty-thousand dollar wedding set for six months away.

            Most had taken one look at her--sunken eyes, waxen skin, bald head hidden until a scarf--and had cut her some slack when they had been well within their rights to tell her to fuck off and pay up. A few, however, hadn't been so easily moved.

            At the cabin, she thought about Ethan as she stripped down and stepped into the hot spray of the shower, lathering shampoo into her hair. There was a man who didn't look like he'd be easily so spooked. Solid as a rock. And just as chiseled.

            If second impressions were anything to go by.

He'd seemed nervous, though. Uncomfortable. At least, only when that they weren't locked into their respective workouts. It had been nice having him working out with her, side by side. Even nicer when his hands slid under her arms and the wall of his body radiating heat at her back. His close, unexpected proximity had almost jostled her out of her rhythm, and it had taken considerable effort to focus on the final push rather than the burst of need that simple touch had provoked.

Rising off soap, Alyssa worked through the rest of her routine, shaving legs and conditioning before shutting off the taps as the water started to cool. Because the day promised to be a gorgeous one, she dressed comfortably in jeans and tailored blouse. Alyssa slid on her heeled boots, freshened up with a bit of lipstick and mascara and some dangling earrings for fun before driving back in to the bustling heart of Salt Springs.

No longer sleepy and quiet, it was now thrumming and awake. The streets full of people enjoying the restaurants and shops, scattered on the beaches—despite the chill in the air highlighting that it was October now and far too cold to swim.

But local industries were taking advantage of the late push to the tourist season, hauling people out on boats for tours and whale watching. Up at the northern side of the island was the First Nations reservations occupying a third of Haven. Her research had revealed that there were hiking opportunities and native guides who would take you through the grounds to the tribal smoke houses where you could take part in the healing of a sweat lodge or listen to the engaging stories told in the native tongues, translated of course, by the elders of the tribe.

The chief would greet you in full splendor and regalia, headdress and all.

Then there were craft stores where you could purchase anything from clothing, jewelry or whittled figurines, even homemade baked goods. All of which were certainly on her list of things she'd planned to do during her stay.

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