Chapter 11

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*Lauren's POV*

So me and Soph went ripsticking at about 4 just now, and it's 6. We were going by the meadow (We had to pass it in order to get to their private park) and we saw Lise and Jase walking out of this tomb. 

Then we saw them sitting on the rocks, together. Aww, they were so cute. We just smiled and walked by.

When we got to the park, we started ripsticking and we talked for a while after that.

*Lisa's POV*

We were back in the mansion, and me and Jason were on the couch. 

My head hurt and I don't know why.

"Lisa? Are you okay? Let's get you to my room." He said. i nodded as I stood up my head hurt even more and everything blurred.

Suddenly, everything went black.

*Jason's POV*

Something was wrong with Lisa. 

I decided that we had enough for the day so I asked her if we should go to my room and she said yes.

As she stood up, she touched her head and fell down.

She blacked out.

"Lisa? Lisa wake up!" I called.

She didn't respond, so I carried her bridal style up to my room.

I laid her on bed, and kissed her forehead.

I let her get some sleep.

*Lisa's POV*

I woke up in a room. A HUGE room.

I didn't know how I ended up being here, and I looked around, and there was no one in sight. 

I laid in bed and after a few seconds, someone came in.

"Lise? Are you up?" A soft voice asked.

The soft voice was too familiar to not be recognized. It was Jason.

"Yeah," I told him.

He smiled and handed me a glass of water. He also gave me a pill. 

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Oh that's to help you cure your headache, the doctor said it was good for stress." He told me.

"Stress?" I questioned.

"Yup, he told me you've been overthinking some stuff lately and you lack of sleep." He said calmly.

"Oh, and you bought me the pills?" I asked guilty.

"Yeah," He smiled.

"How much was it? I can pay you back, it's not right Jase," I offered.

"No need, it was only 2 grand and it was the best the doctors could find," He said.


"Lisa stop it or you'll have a headache again," He commanded.

I immediately felt bad for yelling at him and kept quiet.

He looked at me.

"Lisa I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" He apologized.

"No no Jase it's fine," I sighed.

"No Lisa Michelle it is NOT fine. I'm sorry it's just that I'm worried that you would get ill and I'd lose you..." He said worriedly, with tears in his eyes.

I'll Love You Forever  *Dani, Lauren and Lisa Cimorelli Love Fic*Where stories live. Discover now