Chapter 3

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*Next Day*

*Jason's POV*

It was 9 am, and I was sitting on the couch with Dylan, watching some stupid movie that he likes. Anyways, I was daydreaming about Lisa. She was the prettiest girl on earth. She looked so decent and so beautiful. I started to text her good morning and she replied back after a couple of minutes. She said "Good morning to you too :)" And I was really thrilled. We started texting each other frequently, I was so addicted to her. Lol haha

"Why are you sitting there smiling like an idiot?" Dylan asked

"No reason," I said as I snapped back to reality.

He went to me and peeked over my shoulder.

"Oooohhh someone's got a cruuuushhhh!" He cooed.

"Shut up!" I yelled sacrcastically.

We laughed, and we played some games on our wii, then we went to our rooms. I followed Dylan into his room. We began talking about the girls. When all of a sudden he asks, "Do you have feelings for Lisa?" "Well..., maybe a little teensy weeny bit." I said. 

"Awwww! You should ask her out!" he hollered. "Uum maybe." I said. 

"What about you? How's your relationship with Lauren going?" I asked. Suddenly he was in a really gloomy mood. He kept quiet and tears came running down his face.

"It's fine." He said while wiping aways his tears. "Really? I heard from Lisa you made Laur and Dan cry yesterday." I said sternly.

"Oh for goodness sake give me a break!" He yelled. "What happned between you three?"

" Laur was mad at me for going to the mall with Dani only and that we were at the movies. We also accidentally passed out on the couch together and my hand was on her waist." He said quickly. "The HELL Dyl?" I questioned. 

"Then what's with you and Dani?" I asked again. " Dani and I.... She hates me now. I hurt her so much yesterday. I accidentally told Lauren that I didn't even like Dani and I forgot she was in the same room. I swear it slipped out. When I came to her room to apologize she just pushed me away. I hugged her and she just told me to get out."  Dylan explained. 

"You're dating Lauren, Dylan. NOT Dani." I said sternly. 

"Yes... but I think I'm gonna break up with Lauren." he said quietly

"What? Why???" I asked. I was puzzled.

"Cuz... I think it's better if we stayed friends and I'm seeing someone else." Dyl whispered

I sighed. "Fine, now go tell her. Go easy on her." I commanded.

*Dylan's POV*

I took out my cell, and called Lauren to meet me at the park in 30 minutes. She agreed and we both got ready.

*30 minutes later*

"Hey Dylan!" Lauren said happily.

"Hey Laurr. So i have to tell you something..." I said nervously. 

She bit her lip. "What?" 

"I think we're gonna have to break up..." I said.

"What? Why?" She asked

"Because I'm seeing someone else, and I don't want to hurt you so yeah. And I want us to still be close friends." I said

"Oh okay, I understand. Thanks for sparing my feelings. And yeah of course, we can still be friends!" She said cheerfully.

"And give this to Dani please? I really made her mad yesterday." I handed Lauren a letter and she nodded.

We both went home and you're probably wondering what my letter said, right? Well here it is:

Dear Dani,

Hey Dan. I know this is kind of crappy to you but I'm sorry. I really don't want to hurt you and for your information I broke up with Lauren so now you can be happy that you are away from me. I promised Lauren we would still be close friends though. The reason I broke up with her is that I was starting to see someone else and I didn't want to hurt her. But really Dani, I never meant those words. NEVER EVER. To be honest, before I started dating Lauren I fell for you. But then I started dating Lauren and me and you became close friends. I'm really happy for the times we spent together. I understand if you don't want to forgive me, it's fine. But if you do, I would be so happy. If you can forgive me, meet me at the park at 4. Text me. Thanks. You've been a really good friend and if our friendship ended here, I would really miss you. Thanks and Goodbye (:

With Love, 


*Dani's POV*

It was about 3:10, and i just took a bath and was listening to music, trying to forget what happened yesterday. When all of a sudden, Lauren stormed in the room. She looked happy, but sad at the same time. I said hey and she said hey and walked past me. She threw me a letter. "It's from Dylan," She smiled. "Oh and me and Dylan broke up." She said cheerfully. "I'm sorry to hear that, and thanks." I said. "No prob sissy." She yelled and went out of our room, leaving me alone. 

I decided to open the letter. As I read it, I was tearing up. He had a Crush on me? I thought. Well that's a shocker. Anyways, I agreed to meeting him at the park so I texted him and he replied saying "Thank You so much Dan.(:" And then I got dress in a sleeveless heart croptee, some knee- lenght skinny jeans, and a black tank top on the inside. I went to  Chrissy's room and told her I was going to the park. She nodded and I left.

Author's Note:

Wanna know what happened in the park? Stay tuned! :) 


I'll Love You Forever  *Dani, Lauren and Lisa Cimorelli Love Fic*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat