FGDCT: We care...

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Sorry about all the spaces -_- I typed it on my iPad.


~We care..~

Me and sasuke look at each other after hearing sakuras scream. He looked back to Haku

concentrating extremely hard. I began to remove the needles out of me and naruto.

I looked back only to see another charge needles our way, luckily sasuke jumped and moved

naruto and me in time. I looked up to see sasukes face inches from mine. And he was on top of

me.. And naruto..

But before I could let myself blush like an idiot I notice something in his eyes, little hash marks in

the shape of black rain drops in his eye, circling his pupil inside the red of his eye. Wait..

The RED of his eye!?!

Oh god.. His sharingan came out. Should I be worried..? Nah! It'll work out! I hope..0_o

I look forward only to see another attack, except this time..it was coming straight for me.

Naruto tried pushing me to the left to take the hit, but I wasn't letting that happened so I pushed him

back to the right as hard as I could. I wait for the oncoming penatration, and I knew I might not

survive it by the looks of it.

But it never came.

Instead of me being stabbed like a voodoo doll, I look up to see sasuke with his hands out in front

of me and naruto. No..

"Geez....All you two ever do is get in the way.."

It was like all the memories of us as friends came rushing back, when he first kissed naruto,

capturing kakashis bells together, Sky diving together, him finding out where I truly am from..

our first kiss...

" W-why! Why did you save us! We never asked for it!" yelled naruto, sasuke still standing says,

"I don't know baka! I just m-moved on my own."

He falls between me and narutos lap. He seemed to be slipping away with every relaxed muscle

that came. Suddenly Haku began to talk " He is a shinobi that deserves repect, saving you guys and

knowing the consequences. Is this you twos first death of a friend? This is the way of the shinobi..."

"NOO!" I screech out like it was venom in my throat, gurgling anger came from inside me.

I look over to naruto only to see a red shakra form all around him, his eyes become wide

with anger and agression, almost like a bursting fire was set in his eyes. He began to growl

until he finally managed the words "I. WILL. KILL YOU!!"

I couldn't even react to narutos fierce chakra that circled around us. I just kept on clutching sasuke.

Until I felt a warm glow in my pocket. WIth shaky fingers I reach into my pocket to see what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2011 ⏰

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