FGDCT: J-Jealousy?!

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Sorryi haven't posted in awhile, lumber Jack weeks and all, (in Minnesota we celebrate lumber jacks.. 

-.-) but here you guys go!!oh and one more thing I'm adding romance from this point on as promised 



After team seven introduced ourselves we all left to go do about our business, but before  

Naruto could leave I asked him to show me where ichiraku ramen was and to take me and Caroline out. 

He seemed pretty surprised I was asking him and he quickly accepted pulling me toward the shop picking 

Caroline on the way. "Wow! You guys have never been to ichirakus, man you guys have been miss'in 

out! Believe it!" I giggled at him saying his famous catch phrase. He gave me a quizzical look and I just waved it off.

I quickly started to stuff the food that arrived for Caroline and I. Omg! This is amazing. I slurped it down almost as quick as naruto, but not as fast.Caroline took her time, but I could tell she was savoring it. Naruto payed the bill and looked over to Caroline to see of she was impressed. She smiled towards him and he blushed and chuckled to himself. Wow, I guess the NaruSaku pairing is gone...

We all stood up in unison and before I could start up a conversation on our way home our eyes land on sauske who was looking directly at us on the busy street. " What are YOU doing here sasuke!" 

Growled naruto. This was Carolines first time meeting Sasuke but I could see recognition in her eyes 

Since he looked like my sasuke plushie. " None of your business, dope..." muttered sasuke . He looked confused, almost like he was confused on what to say next. " What!? Are you jealous I have the most prettiest girls in konoha to go have ramen with ME. Naruto Uzamaki, and not drooling over you like everyone else?" Caroline seemed to have glimmer in her eyes like someone just read poetry to her. 

I sweat dropped since, nobodies ever called me pretty before. She was used to it. "N-no you dope. Why would I be jealous over them?" I think the sadness in my eyes showed just a bit since He winced after glancing at me. Caroline didn't mind and Naruto seemed happy being able to make Sasuke stutter. 

"Um naruto can you walk me home? We can get better... Accuainted!" haha smooth Caroline, you 

Totally fell for Naruto.. They left me to be standing with sasuke in the street...awkwardly alone... 

I should try and start up a conversation I guess. " So, you excited about tomorrow with kakashi? 

We get to do some sorta test I think...um. wanna practice?!" I blurted and rushed through that last part but I really hoped he didn't notice I was nervous, who am I kidding he so does!

"Hn I well guess... But only because I need practice, nothing else." he turned away quickly and began to walk towards the training grounds, I quickly follow.

~3 hard training hours later~

Sasuke was better then me but, I quickly caught up some how. I loved doing this! It was better then any 

sport! It was an adrenaline rush I longed for. I could tell sasuke was impressed since everyone else was 

Never close to his skill. I was shocked with myself more it was like I could tell his movements  

before he fully initiated them. He through a shuriken and then used another to reflect the last one 

Which almost tricked me, but I dodged it at the last second. We stopped suddenly and just stared and panted. Finally I just laid down on the ground and laughed. "Wow that was fun!! But I think you would have won I was at the end of my rope there." I gave him a closed eye smile and he nodded once. This guy needs social skills...

"We better get to our homes, we have to wake up early" I was about to say that it was only afternoon when I noticed the sun was already half way down. "Holy Roman empire!! It's already this late?! Well thanks again sasuke! Cya tomorrow!" I turned around and before I could leave he grabbed my wrist. 

My face was starting to feel hot and he seemed pretty shocked at his own actions to. He looked around and finally let his hand drop and cooly asked "Whats a Roman Empire?" I Sweat dropped. Of course he was just asking that. It's not like he wanted me to stay or anything. "Well it's hard to explain maybe you'll know someday but not now, well um if that's all then.." before I could turn and leave he started to walk beside me. "I'll walk you home since it's on my way anyways." He started to lead the way and I was still in shock but I quickly caught up.

~1 awkward walk later~

He walked me up to the entrance of the apartment building and I turned around to say good bye. "Well thanks door walking me.." he glanced away and mumbled a your welcome. I smiled and did something I 

always wanted to do. I hugged him really tightly and inhaled the scent of his hair. And when i was done he had a confused look on his face I waved him good bye and skipped inside the building. " Ahhhhh! I just did that! I've got to text caroline!" I was about to look in my pocket when I remembered this world didn't have those. "Aw Poop!" I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. I was so tired. And I quickly fell asleep.

The sun through my window was flooding into my house and I slowly began to blink my eyes. I quickly regretted it and flinched them closed from he sun. Sun...? I was SUPPOSE TO WAKE UP Early!! 

I rushed and grabbed my kunai and shuriken pouch and got on my outfit. I stuffed some fruit in my mouth from the fridge and brushed my teeth in a blur. I jetted towards the door and automatically started jumping on the roof tops of houses.

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