FanGirl's Dream Come True (Naruto Story)

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Ok I hit 1,000 views! that was honestly my goal.. :P Now all I need is more fans so you no the drill..

plz fan me or vote if you like my stories! Thanks. (Oh and the new character should be coming in this chapter).


~The Otaku God~

We all raise to our feet to look at the figure and kakashi is already removing his forehead protector

revealing his Sharingan eye. "Go and protect Tazuna, Let me deal with this guy. He's on a whole

other level." We all did as we were told and stood our gorund around tazuna.

The attacker spoke up. "I get to see kakashis sharingan already? I'm honored." Naruto seemed to

be antsy about something then finally shouted "Sharingan!! sharingan!! What the hell is that?"

Sasuke (The smart ass he is) gave him the exact definition "Some have the ability in their eye to

read and defeat any form of tai, gen or nin jutsu. The Sharingan is one of those type of pupils

that give you this power." The attacker finally decided to end the chatter and said "Hidden mist no

jutsu." With in seconds Heavy mist surrounded us. He was gone from our sight of vision in

seconds. "Now guys be careful. It's not like I can use the sharingan perfectly." Said kakashi.

Oh wow. Kakashi you reallym ake me feel safe... I glance quickly at sasuke and his kunai started to 

shake violently in his hands from fear. Ok if sasuke is scared I'm screwed. I already know that they 

survive this, but there's no telling if I will too. I was going to confort sasuke but kakashi beat me to it.

"Dont worry sasuke, I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm here." he said with a closed

eye smile. Wait...He closed his eyes that idiot! Before I could curse at kakashi for geting his focus

off Zabuza appears behind us. He knocks us all hard and we fly away from each other. I was scared

if anyone didn't make it. What if I'm not alive! Before I hit the ground, a weird sucking feeling started

to get a hold of me.

 Oh no. Not now!

And I was right. I was sucked into the portal from the red jewel i carry around all the time. I knew I

shoudl have left it..!

I started to fall threw the light and the light quickly turned to darkness. After five minutes of swearing

and screaming through the darkness of the portal. I opened my eyes to find myself laying on hard 

pavement. It was hot outside! And once again I was in my pajamas... "Crap! Why me!" I was going 

grab the jewel that was suppose to be in my pocket but to my surprise I felt nothing. Before I could

panic I heard a familiar voice tell me. "Dont bother, it's not like gonna be there..." there's only one

person who talks like such a valley girl and that's caroline. I turn around and sitting there is

of course. Caroline. "You fell here to?" she nodded her head solemnly. "I got here about an hour 

FanGirl's Dream come True (Naruto story)Where stories live. Discover now