From England With Love x Part 7 -Hetalia- England x reader-

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From England with love part 7


Contains language that some people may find a


You have been warned!

Celebrating one year of From England With Love x !

After a recent discovery to Arthur’s ancient wine cellar, all three of you were drunk. You more than Arthur although you could handle it better and Alfred more than you. This was the first drinking session you had ever had and it was a bit much for you, you could still focus but you felt ever so light headed. You were sitting next to Arthur and Alfred was across from you. You were in your night dress and Arthur and Alfred was still in their uniform from the day’s work. Arthur was moaning at Alfred who was laughing at the top of his voice with you. He was dunk beyond belief. After a few hours of mindless chat and the conversation leading onto other countries gossip, Alfred stood on the table imitating Switzerland’s voice and pretended to shoot at Arthur with his fingers. Vash had finally agreed to join us in the war and you were seeing a lot more of him and Lily. It was also said that Feliks had joined the war although no one had heard anything from him. Getting up on the table next to him, you started imitating Feliks swaying your hips and pouting.  

“And I was like OH MAI GAWD so not going to buy that bag! I mean it was green! It looked so atrocious!”

“Arrggg! You again?!” Alfred flailed his arms, “Don’t make me shoot you with my ridiculous collection of polished guns!!”

“Oh Toris! I like totally love you!”

“Oh Lilly! I have always loved you!”

“lilly n vash?! That’s incest git!” Slurred Arthur, who was sat watching you two.

Arthur was watching you, his face slightly red from the drink and his eyes slightly lowered.

“No, it’s not!!” exclaimed Alfred winking at you, “not by blood!”

Then a fight kicked off between them. Arthur stood up ready to punch Alfred and Alfred made very drunk fists at him. You stood between them holding Arthurs fists.

“Not tonight guys.” You said smiling drunkenly.

Arthur glanced at you and then put his arms around you, purring in your ear. You were a bit uncomfortable with Alfred watching but Arthur was quietly moaning into your shoulder. Alfred sniggered.

“I’ll let big bro have some fun.”

You scowled at Alfred.

“I think someone’s had too much to drink.” You murmured as Arthur started kissing your neck, sending slurred cooing your way.

“You’re nooooo one to talk!” Said Alfred gesturing to your collection of empty rum bottles, “Heh heh heh, the punks got something planned!”

Arthur swore into your shoulder at Alfred.

“Fuck off Alfrrreed. I’m sober enough to beat you.”

Alfred picked up the last full bottle and stalked off laughing to himself as he headed off to the kitchen. The moment Alfred had left the room Arthur swung you around in his arms Pressing his rum flavoured lips to yours, his tongue pushing into your mouth and roaming freely and he moaned to himself. You happily kissed him back until he started biting your lip. You groaned at the pinch of pain. He started to kiss you more roughly, pushing you back on the sofa and climbing top of you, taking off his green military jacket. A devilish smirk you had never seen before flashing upon his face. He was subconsciously brushing his knee in between your legs as he roughly kissed down your neck.

From England With Love x - An England Reader Insert Novel-Where stories live. Discover now