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Im sorry for being away for a long long looooong time but ive just being going through a lot of stuff lately for example: i lost my ipod for a loooong time and i couldnt vent which resulted in me going insane for a few months. I met this girl on wattpad who i really like but im afraid for her to see THIS side of me the side that i share with you guys 24/7 the side that only you guys know and i dont know how she'll react and that scares me she doesn't know how crazy i am. she says she loves me but how do i know if it's true, she says she loves me but she has yet to prove it and with all these doubts and negative thoughts in my head how am i supposed to react or act to her how. I'm not good with confrontation so how am i gonna tell her how i feel. Im so confused and hurt and it's driving me more insane. Im just going to keep to myself and let this feeling blow over which it most likely isn't. Until next time Jamie out.

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