IV- It's So Hard To Say Goodbye

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Dear Laith,

I had to do it, for your own sake. I can't tell you why right now. I can barely wrap my head around it myself. But I promise you would agree with me if you only knew.

You looked so broken when I told you we were over. Your eyes filled with pain, filled with vulnerability. I hope you know that I never wanted this to happen. I dreamed about our old fashioned house, with a green lawn and white picket fence. Of you waking up next to me every morning, of cooking breakfast and dinners together, while a little carbon copy of you runs in between our legs. I always thought we were meant to be. I guess not. Just know that I love you; always have and always will, no matter how worthless I have become. I will always love you. My heart is...

Forever yours,




Dear Caitlyn,

You broke my heart Caitlyn. You came back home, we fought, you screamed, I cried. You grabbed your coat and walked out the door after you said what you came to say. I broke down as soon as the door closed. Did you hear it, the monster I became? Dishes went flying, my fists hit the wall, creating a mess of blood and glass. I loved you Caitlyn. I still do. I want that house too you know. I want it all with you, and whatever this is, this big secret; we could have pushed through it. Together. We could have made it you and I. If only you had shared you troubles Caitlyn. If only you spoke of your nightmares, painting a picture of each one for me. We could have carried your burden together. Everything we did best we did together. Why couldn't you see that?

Loving you now and always,


The Box Of Truth #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now