My Sleeping Spirit

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Meanwhile, during Mayus' "party".

~Rins' P.O.V~

"So, what do you think Yukio?" I asked my brother as he inspected the pink and blue jewel. "There's definitely something in there, you're right about that." "Well, how do we get it out?" "I'm not sure. I may need to run some tests on it before we can even be sure it's (Y/N)." He clarified. "But you just said-" "I said something was inside it. I didn't say it was her. Are you sure that wasn't the real (Y/N)?" "She could understand Kuro. Only demons can understand him!" "Maybe she's actually a demon." He joked. You can call me a demon. No one talks shit about the people I love though! "Don't say that, four-eyes!" I yelled. "Okay, sorry." He sighed. "We'll have to do this later. I've got a mission to go on. Do some homework for once and stay away from the necklace. I don't want you doing anything to release the soul until we know what it actually is." He nagged me. "Whatever. I don't care about any damn homework." I said, leaning back in my chair. (Achievement Unlocked. Make Rin say something Rin like.) "Alright. I'll be back before dinner." Yukio said, closing the door.

I sighed. I picked up the necklace and placed it on my desk. I went on my phone and selected videos. I found a video of (Y/N) doing a parody of MandoPonys' "Purple" for my birthday.
"I see demons all around me. As I try to understand what makes me do the things I do to everybody around me. And I guess you never knew that I have no regrets for the things that make them see red. But all I see are blue flames instead!" (Dat was so clever....ok yea I suck.) At that time, I could've swore I heard someone singing along with the tune. I looked over at the necklace to see it glowing a bright shade of pink. "All I see are blue flames inste-ea-ea-ea-ead!" I heard it vocalize. Did it hear what I was listening to?

I paused the song and looked at it as it stopped glowing. "Is anyone in there?" I asked it. "Help!!!!!" I heard it plea. How could I help it? No. How could I help them. "SMASH THE NECKLACE!!!!!!!" It screamed at the top of its lungs. I heard it perfectly clear. I grabbed the gem and raised my arm. Just before I could send it flying into the floorboards, Yukio came back. "Rin, I forgot to-RIN, NO!!!!" He shouted as I threw the crystal on the ground, shattering it into a million pieces. A white figure appeared, sitting with its legs being hugged. I knew immediately who she was.

"(Y/N)?" Her eyes fluttered open like she had been asleep. She stood up slowly. "R-rin?" She asked. Her eyes adjusted on me. "Rin!" She exclaimed happily as she ran to hug me. I opened my arms for her but didn't feel any force thrown onto me. I looked back and saw that she had fazed through me. She looked as surprised as I was. "Wh-what?" I heard her mutter to herself. "(Y/N)?" I said her name worriedly as I tried running my fingers through her hair. Just as I thought, my hand completely went through her face. "Y-Yukio. Sh-she's not.....dead. Is she??" I asked my brother. "No. She isn't. But since that demon took her physical form, she's basically a ghost." He explained to me. "That Bitch is still parading around as me?" "Um. Yeah." "Well, I want my body back! I'm going after her!" She announced before we noticed that the necklace was rebuilding itself. Once it had, she started being pulled towards it. "Rin!" She called my name as her figure became smaller and smaller until she was fully swallowed back into the charm.

"(Y/N)!?" I cried, her figure engulfed back into the necklace. Frustated, I picked up the gem to smash it again. "No!" Yukio cried, grabbing a hold of my arm. "You can try and try again, but it won't do any good! It will always repair itself!" He hollered. Coming back to my senses, I lowered my arm slowly. I looked down at the necklace glistening in my palm. Suddenly, words began to engrave themselves into the jewel.
I shatter at the blade of the blue night.

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