Chapter 28

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 Two weeks later, my relationship with Carson was weird. He was distant and we didn't speak as much. Leo's trial with all the other guys would be soon, they had found the hole with all the human remains so their was enough evidence. I was shaken up but I was happy that all this drama would end. Stacy was pregnant, to say she was devastated was an understatement. She apologised to me heaps of times though I didn't see why she was apologising to me. Mr Roberts was always working now and Mrs Roberts was trying to make the best of this situation. Conner found out the truth about his sister and he was really upset. My parents were trying to make me go back to Sydney but I refused to go. The one thing that was keeping me here was Carson, I loved him. It was early in the morning and I was going to the bathroom. I opened the door only to see Carson, he was staring into the mirror. He didn't even look at me and that's when I snapped. I punched his shoulder and he turned to me. ''What?'' 

I quickly found some paper, 'just break up with me already!' 

''What, why would I break up with you?'' he asked. 

'Well your not talking to me, you think I'm dirty and used, right? You've made it clear you hate me.' 

''Come to my room,'' he said. I followed him into his room and sat on his bed. ''I don't think your dirty, Avalaya, nor do I think your used and I defiantly don't hate you. I hate what Leo did to you.'' He spat Leo's name like it was poison. ''I don't want to break up with you, I never do. I told you I was going to marry you someday and we're not getting anywhere by breaking up, are we?'' 

'Then why are you ignoring me?' I wrote on a piece of paper. 

''T-they touched you and I couldn't protect you… T-they r-raped you, they abused you and I couldn't do anything. I hate myself for not being able to do anything,'' he confessed. I kissed him then. 

'It's not your fault,' I wrote after our kiss ended. 

''I love you,'' he whispered wrapping his arms around me. 

I opened my mouth to say those words back but nothing came out.  

Comment for a reminder

Teaser: She was pregnant. 

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