Chapter 18

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After school I went straight home, only to be stopped by Carson. ''Avalaya, your uncle came by the house this morning.'' I frowned… what uncle? My relatives never really talked to me. I just nodded and started walking up to my room. 

''Oh, Avalaya, the dinner is going to be in one weeks time. Remember the one I mentioned and we went shopping on Saturday?'' Inodded. ''Oh and we're going out for dinner tonight, go do some homework.'' I walked up stairs and on my bed was a letter. On it with messy handwriting it said 'Avalaya'. Who would have gave me a letter? I sat on my bed, opening it slowly. 

'Dear beautiful, Avalaya,' it read. I furrowed my eyebrows and Carson popped into my mind… did he write me this letter? I quickly dismissed the though, Carson thought I was a freak. He just felt sorry for me. 

'We haven't met in a while, since you where ten to be exact. Of course I never left you on your own, what kind of lover would I be then.'' I shivered, the guy from the forest would always call me his lover. Every time he raped me. 

'I'm back because I don't like that little boy having his hands on what's mine.' The possessiveness in this letter only made my theory about the letter being from the guy in the forest even more correct. 

'So far you've been a very good girl and I haven't had the interfere but I'm afraid to say that you'll be seeing me so-'

''Avalaya?'' Mr Roberts yelled cutting me off reading. He knocked and I quickly opened the door. ''Oh, sorry,'' he eyed my bed. ''I just wanted to make sure you got it.'' He paused. ''I mean, I wanted to make sure that you got home alright.'' Mr Roberts hurried off and I continued reading. 

'Soon. Expect me and remember I'm watching you so if you even dream about spilling anything to that boy I will have no chose but to murder you. Actually I think it's time you get killed or come and be my personal toy. You're older, you know how to do things now and I won't need to have any mercy.' It's not like he ever did have any mercy. 

'Bye, Avalaya. Remember I'm watching you. I'll come and see you soon.' 

I shivered and looked around my room, paranoid. Who could've been the guy? Mr Roberts perhaps? There was no breaks in, so the only people that could get in where Mrs Roberts, Carson and Mr Roberts. 

I didn't know what to do. 

Comment for a reminder

Boring chapter... oh well. I'm really, really, really, really, really excited for the next chapter! (: 

Teaser: He looked me in the eye, ''I love you.''  

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