Chapter 11

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 ''You're so beautiful, Avalaya,'' his voice trailed down my neck and I shivered. I opened my mouth trying to say something but nothing came out. I tried, I really did but I couldn't speak. What he had said to me, seven years ago was still in my mind. The threat, the threat that made me stop talking. 

Then the door opened, revealing 'the boss' or the guy from the forest. He was obviously a lot older. 

''What are you doing, Nolan,'' 'the boss' barked. 

''Nothing, sir, just playing,'' was his reply. 

''This beauty right here is mine, both of you leave.'' The two other men left, leaving me with 'the boss'. ''I've missed you,'' he whispered. ''You know, you're the only girl alive. You're the only girl we've allowed to be alive, you're lucky. You should be thanking me and I've got just an idea how.'' His lips pressed against mine and he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I wanted to vomit; this was disgusting. ''Kiss back!'' he yelled. I refused to kiss back, though. ''Avalaya, I don't want to need to take you without you wanting it so please co-operate.'' I shook my head, stubbornly. That night he raped me twice and I couldn't do anything about it. Memories rushed back from when I was ten, when they all raped me when I was ten. ''Your body is magnificent, Avalaya darling. You've grown so beautifully.'' I punched him, hearing a crack, I knew I broke his nose. ''You b/tch,'' he growled. He lifted a piece of fabric from a table revealing a bunch of knives and such. ''I was hoping I didn't have to use these.'' I shook my head as he lifted up a knife, dragging it against my thigh making me scream.

I opened my mouth to speak and I did, ''Stop,'' my voice was hoarsely. 

''Oh, she speaks,'' he laughed. 

''Stop, stop please! I'm sorry; it won't happen again!'' I yelled, tears falling. 

''Hm, very well Avalaya. From now on you will be my personal toy. You will do as I say and if you disobey me, you will be punished. Nobody else is to touch you and you have to stay here.'' 

''N-no, please no.'' 

''Yes and you will enjoy it.'' 

''No, I won't.'' He held the knife he had been holding against my neck. ''Ahh!'' I screamed. 

''Do you change your mind?'' 


''Oh well, I'll find somebody else,'' he said before ending my life. 

I woke up, falling off my bed making a loud noise. Carson came rushing in my room and tears began to fall. ''Avalaya, its alright. Bad dream?'' he asked. I nodded. ''It's alright,'' he got me back into bed and sat next to me. I held tightly onto his hand, scared to let go. 

''Shh, go to sleep, I'll protect you,'' Carson whispered. 

Comment for a reminder

Most of this chapter is a dream- she can't talk. So, sorry for those of you who want her to talk (:  

 Teaser: ''Oh, what a lovely locket! I swear I've seen it before!'' 

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