Chapter 17

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I watched as Avalaya got into the car, the little girl who I saw in the forest that one day was now as beautiful as ever. Though she did have a bruise on her cheek. I peaked at the boy who was trying to get Avalaya's attention but she just ignored him. Nathan, one of my workers had seen them kissing yesterday. She's been getting close to that boy- Carson. She drove off, probably to school. I quickly got out of my car and walked to Carson. 

''Hello,'' I said. I didn't know how he didn't notice me, I had a wig and hoody on but still. 

''Uh, hi, can I help you with anything?'' 

''Yes, I'm looking for Carson Roberts.'' 

''That'd be me.'' 

''Oh, right, do you happen to know Avalaya? Avalaya Keepers?'' 

''Yup, she's living with us… why?'' 

''I'm her uncle,'' I lied. 

''Oh, okay… well, I need to go to school.'' Carson hurried off. I looked under the front mat and luckily there was a key, stupid people. I opened the front door and like I had assumed nobody was home. I walked up stairs, looking for Avalaya's room and when I found one with pictures of her and her friend I put a letter on her bed. As I was looking around her room I found a book. 

''Dear diary,'' I read out loud. I scoffed, trust pretty little Avalaya to keep a diary. It was dated two days ago. ''I really like Carson and I'm thinking of maybe telling him half the truth of why I'm mute. I think I'm falling in love with him.'' She went on and on talking about what she liked about Carson. No, no we can't let this happen. I smirked, the letter would be a warning. Caleb Roberts was such a bastard, why would he take Avalaya in? He was supposed to be my brother! Avalaya's not going to see it coming, she's been a good girl for these past years and hasn't uttered a way but with Carson I can see her telling him the truth. 

We can't have that happening, can we now? 

Comment for a reminder

I think this chapter is really crappy... sorry. :(

Teaser: 'Actually I think it's time you get killed or come and be my personal toy.'

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