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" So I heard you played hero today" My friend Jacob says as soon as I sit down at our lunch table.

"Shut up" is all I say as a reply to him

" Who is she anyway. I mean is she new? Haven't seen her before." Keith my other friend asks.

"No she's not new. You fuckers have been too blind to see her. Now let's drop this topic." I say glaring at them.

It's quiet for a while after that and I notice them giving each other looks. Luckily Keith decides to change the subject to the party he's hosting this weekend and everyone on the table starts talking about it too.

Out of everyone on this table, Keith is the only one I know and trust. He's a very close family friend.

His family used to live in the same street we lived in when I was growing up. We went to the same school,did some stupid shit together and got into a lot of trouble together.

When I moved away, we still kept in touch and would occasionally meet up. Keith is the closest person I have to a best friend.

"Thomas are you coming to the party? " Keith asks me

I shrug my shoulders

" Come on man. You can't miss it. It's going to be the best party ever" Jacob says.

"I'm busy " I say trying to dismiss him

"Busy?"Jacob asks

I reply with a nod

"With what?" He asks. ...... again

"Things that have nothing to do with you." I tell him giving him a look daring him to ask or say something else.

He gives me a nod. And starts eating his yoghurt.

The doors of the cafeteria open and as usual I don't care to see who's entering because they are probably unimportant people.

I'm about to take a sip of water when a beautiful laugh forces me to look up.


It was Wendy's laugh that made me look up.

She looks. ........

More beautiful than that laughter of hers.

She looks my way and a small smile creeps onto her face before she quickly turns away to join the conversation she was having with Tiffany.

Well to listen to what Tiffany was saying.

Girls got a big ass mouth that won't shut up. Still don't know how we are related in any way.

"Thomas? You coming?"

I look up to see that my friends are packing up their things. Meaning that it's time for us to leave this shit hole.

Before I leave though, I give one last glance at Wendy just in time to catch her starting at me.

I smirk and wink which makes her blush.

With a small chuckle I turn around and join my friends outside.

The girl that was ignoredWhere stories live. Discover now