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As I'm making my way to my locker, I notice some people are still staring at me. Some whispering and pointing at me.

Walking with my head held down,I bump into someone.

"Sorry" I say trying to make my way around the person. But they block my way.

I look up to see who it is, only to find Sandy looking at me with irritation in her eyes.

"Uh excuse me?" I ask with a soft voice as I try to leave again. She doesn't move.

Bitch get out of my way.

"So Whitney. That is your name right? " she asks with a fake smile on her fake face. I'm about to answer her but she interrupts me.

"I don't really care actually. But let me tell you what I do care about. Thomas. He is mine. Meaning you don't look at him or talk to him or even think about him. He's off limits."She says

"Excuse me?" I ask in disbelief.

"You heard me. What makes you think that you will ever be with him? Your ugly,useless and a murderer." She carries on.

I gasp at what she said last.


"Yeah, everyone saw the cops ecoming to your house yesterday. You murdered your own mother." She scoffs while shaking her head.

"I didn't mu. ...." I try defending myself.

"Please ,don't lie . Its the truth. Just stay away from Thomas." With that said she turns around and leaves.

I look around the hall to see people starting at me like I'm trash.

With tears in my eyes I run towards the bathrooms. Halfway there someone stops me.

"Hey what's wrong?" A familiar voice says.

I look at Tiffany and see that she has a worried expression on her face. "Nothing " I say in an almost soundless voice.

I move around her and get into the bathroom to find it empty.


I enter one of the stalls and sit on the floor. Tears start rushing down my face like a waterfall.

How could she say that?
Do people really think that i murdered my mother?

More tears come rushing

" ugly, useless and a murderer"

Her words start going through my mind.

"Wendy! Open up I know your in there" Tiffany knocks on the door.

I stay quite and don't make a move to open the door.

"Wendy come on! Open up please?" She tries again.

"Go away Tiffany" I tell her. " I'm fine "

"No your not. I can hear you crying." She says. " if you don't open up I'm going to break this door Wendy so I advise you open up"

I sigh and open the door for her to get in. It's quite for a while before she asks again.

"Wendy what's wrong and don't even think of lying and saying its nothing " She asks again.

"Sandy. That's what's wrong." I tell her with a shaking voice.

"Sandy? My brother's girlfriend? What did she do?" Tiffany asks with a confused look on her face.

"Brother? Thomas is your brother? " I ask instead of answering her question.

Their siblings? ! How did I not see it?
I mean they are both gorgeous human beings.

"Unfortunately yes. Now tell me what she did" she says in authority.

I sigh. " Your not giving up are you." I ask her.
"Nope not at all " she says

"She said I'm ugly,useless and....and..." I trail off and the tears well up again.

"What else did she say Wendy?" Tiffany says through clenched teeth.

"Murderer. She says I killed my mother." I I say through sobs.

"Fucking bitch, why would she say that? " she asks angrily.

I start telling her everything. How I found my mother yesterday. How she's been treating me all my life. Everything.

I felt like I could trust her and when I was finished it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It feels good having someone to talk to.

"She walked away after saying that." I finish off.

"That bitch of a slut! Two faced fuck up. What gives her the right to say that to you? She's the ugly, useless person here not you! She should not go around saying serious things like you murdered your mother when she doesn't even know what really happened!" Tiffany was walking around the stall now.

She was pissed! In fact I think that is an understatement. She was beyond pissed.

"I'm guessingyou don't like her? " I ask her already knowing what the answer is.

"Like her? ! I hate her! I don't even know what my brother see's in her. Oh and she has the most annoying voice in the world!. I'm not worried really, my brother never stays with a girl for more than a week. But i still....."

I tuned out at the mention of Thomas.

He never spends more than a week with a girl? So he's a player.
I'm not sure how to feel about that. I mean he basically see's women as objects just to play with. That's disgusting.

"Wendy? Are you even listening to me?" I look up to see Tiffany looking down at me waiting for an answer.

Instead of answering her I lightlyshake my head. She sighs and rolls her eyes before looking back at me with a smirk on her face.

"Your thinking about Thomas aren't you?" She says.

"No!" I rush out quickly. "Uhm I mean of course not, why would I be thinking about Thomas" I say looking anywhere but at her.

"Cause you have a crush on him" she finishes off with a smug look on her face.

"No I don't." I practically shout out. She gives me a pointed look.

"I don't have a crush on your brother Tiffany." I say. She throws her hands up in surrender "Okay okay whatever you say" she winks at me.

"Oh shit! Look at the time!We've missed two periods!" I say quickly standing up and making my way to the door.

"Chill Wendz, come with me" Tiffany says pulling me out the door and heading for the main doors of the school.

"Where are you going?!" I whisper yell at her stopping to pull her hand.

"Just trust me, we need to get Sandy out of your mind and i need to teach you how to have fun." She tells me with a huge grin on her face.

I look at her for a while before a smile creeps onto my face. "Okay " I say. Tiffany's grin grows bigger and she pushes the door and pulls me with her.

We walk towards her car and get in. "We're going to have so much fun!" She screams out with an evil smirk on her face.

What have I gotten myself into

The girl that was ignoredWhere stories live. Discover now