Here we are again

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As I watch Thomas leave ,all that's going through my mind is what the fuck just happened? I mean I thought that we were having a some sort of a civil conversation.

What did I say that made him just get up and go? I mean I just asked why he goes to school late. I wasn't really looking for an answer since the answer is pretty obvious.

Thomas is a bad boy, and guys like him think that school is over-rated. I just asked that question to make small talk ......and maybe because I was enjoying talking to him......maybe

"Alright, let's go to school!" An overly enthusiastic voice says behind me. I turn to see Tiffany standing by the kitchen door with a huge fake smile on her face.

I laugh and stand up. "Wow you look good_ no I'm lying you look fucking hot! Did Thomas see you this morning?" Tiffany says as we head out the house and over to her car.

" Yes and .......wait what does Thomas have to do with this?" I ask as we stop by her car.

"Oh you know." She says shrugging her shoulders while a smirk is on her face.

" No I don't know." I reply.

"So that he can see how hot you look." She says with a wink before opening the car door and getting in. I shake my head and open my side of the door as well.

"Your crazy " I tell her


As Tiffany pulls into the school parking lot. I feel fear bubbling up in the pit of stomach. The thought of seeing Samantha again just makes me want to change schools. What are people going to say? Are they still going to think that I'm a murderer?

As if reading my thoughts, tiffany shakes my shoulders. " No matter what, I've got your back girl." She says with a reassuring smile.

A small smile creeps onto my face." Thanks" I tell her meaning it. It's the first time in my life that I have someone to call a friend. To someone like Tiffany. She's a great friend.

"Okay now let's go. We've got some teachers to annoy, bitches to ignore and classes to snore. You ready sexy Wendy?" Tiffany asks pulling her ray bans on.

I smile. " I'm ready" I say with a new found confidence.

"Hey Tiffany, your a great friend " I tell her before we both step out of the car. She gives me the biggest smile and pulls me into a bigger hug.

" Your a great friend too."

The girl that was ignoredWhere stories live. Discover now