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- 7 years later - ( stiles is 25 and lydia is 24) (cursing and feels)

"Stiles Stilinski get your ass over here."

Stiles face paled and walked over to his best friend," Yeah Scotty?" Stiles was nervous his hands were all sweaty and his hair was a mess. "Stop running your hands through tour hair your messing it up and second you dont need to be nervous for gods sake you've been dating for seven years now."

"Scott shes about ready to become my wife."

Scott glared at him," At least you aren't proposing in a few hours."

"You've been dating Allison for over 8 years in total. You guys were meant to be."

"Thanks bud," Scott gave his a friend a smile," Now get your pretty ass under that alter."

"I will," Stiles shouted back.

Stiles walked down the isle and to the alter and stood on his side waiting for his bride to be to walk down the isle. A few moments later the music started up and his friends, his pack began to walk down the isle. Scott and Allison were first, before they separated they gave each other a quick peck on the lips. Next was Hayden and Liam, Liam gave Hayden a light kiss on her cheek. Finally was Danny and Ethan, instead of standing with the boys Danny stood with the girls.

Then everyone stood up and turned to look at Lydia. She was gorgeous, her hair was pinned up in delicate designs and a few strands were lose around her face. The man who was walking her down the isle?

Stiles father. He loved Lydia the minute he meet her. Finally someone who could keep Stiles in check and yet be like him in so many ways. Papa stilinski knew they were made for each other.

So together the two walked down the isle and once they got to the alter he wrapped his arms around his son's soon to be wife and whispered in her ear," Welcome to the family."

"Thank you," she whispered in return and he handed her away to Stiles. "She's a keeper Stiles."

Stiles lightly laughed at this," I know dad. I know."

The priest looked around and then began," Today we are gathered here for the marriage of Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski. Today we will see a young, beautiful relationship turn into a marriage of a lifetime. To see two best friends turn into soulmates.

This went on for a while and then it was time to say their vows.

Stiles took a deep breath," Lydia, I first meet you seven years ago at an abandoned amusement park while I was with my best friends and you were with yours. When I first saw you, you took my breath away and I swore I had never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Lydia you were my best friend and girlfriend for seven years and now I hope you'll be my wife for forever."

Lydia was crying and Stiles wiped the tears from her cheeks," Stiles Stilinksi, you are the cheesiest man on this planet I swear. When we first meet I was scared because I felt something for you that I hadn't felt for anyone ever. But then I got to know you and I wasn't so scared and now I feel no fear and only safety with you. Lets seal the deal and make this thing official."

Everyone chuckled after that and the priests cleared his throat," Im so happy to say this. You may now kiss the bride."

"Thank you," Stiles shouted and wrapped his arms around his wife's waist and they sealed the deal with a kiss.

Cheers erupted. Stiles's dad was crying tears of joy and he had never seen his soon happier.

Lydia was getting ready to throw the bouquet of flowers but instead she handed it to a nervous Scott McCall who then knelt in front of the beautiful Allison Argent and pulled out a diamond ring.

"Allison we've been together for over eight years and I know we've had rough patches but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Allison will you marry me?"

Allison was shocked," You guys planned this? Oh god I love you. YES Scott McCall I will marry you."

Scott stood up and slipped the ring on her finger and then they kissed.

- 6 years later - ( stiles is 31 and lydia is 30)

Lydia walked into the darkened, silent house. It was way to quiet for her house. There should have been music and screaming and too much noise to even function. Lydia turned on the lights and saw that the living room was spotless, not a mess in sight.

She walked up the staircase and opened some of the bedroom doors. 'Where is everyone,' she thought. Finally she opened the door to her and Stiles's room and saw him fast asleep with their two kids in his arms. Lydia let out a quiet laugh and took a couple of pictures and then sent them to Allison.

The message read,' This is what I come home to.'

Lydia slipped off her shoes and carefully climbed into bed and laid with her family. She had one son and one daughter. The son was five and her daughter was three. Her son had brown hair and emerald green eyes, with freckles all over his face. Her daughter had fiery red hair and soft brown eyes with lots of moles on her cheeks. They were a perfect mix of Stiles and Lydia.

Her son was the eldest child and his name is Xavier Scott Stilinski. Scott just had to have his son in their somewhere. That means that her daughter was the youngest and Stiles adored her, her name was Ember Allison Stilinski. Allison also had to have her name in their.

"Hi mommy," he daughter yelled out.

Lydia chuckled and brought her daughter into her arms and placed a kiss on her head," Hi honey."

"Can I go to Nova's house?"

"Honey its family time for her and her family. I'll talk to Allison tomorrow and we'll plan a play date."


Stiles groaned,"Ember go back to bed."

"NO," she stood and and started jumping on the bed," Im going to nova's."

Xavier stood up and joined in," Does that mean I can hang out with Drew?"

"Honey turn the kids off," Stiles yelled. The kids jumped off the bed and ran to their own rooms. "Oh thank god."

"I love our family," Lydia stated.

Stiles rolled over to his wife and laced their hands together," I love our family and I love you." He lightly kissed her lips before resting his head on the pillow next to them and pulled Lydia in his arms.

The story of the soul mates came to an end. Their kids grew up and found their own loves and soon Scott and Stiles did actually become brothers and Allison and Lydia became sisters.

They remained friends till the day they died. First was Scott who went peacefully in his sleep(88). Next was Allison who lost her life to a 10 year battle of cancer(90). Then was Stiles and Lydia one night they went to bed and never woke up (93 & 92). But they had changed the world and their story was forever written in the stars.

The story of the mermaid and her prince.

Now its over. 11-26-15. Thank you for this wonderful journey to write this story. I love you guys.

I will be starting my maze runner fic. My options for the love character




So please comment who you want.


The Mermaid and her Prince ♠️ Stydia AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang