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When Lydia awoke, she was lying on the sand and was surrounded by rocks. She was confused for a minute, when she realized what had just happened. Lydia had made a deal with Malia. Lydia looked down at her feet, a grin appearing on her face. She happily clapped her hands together, then made them into fists and raised them high into the sky. She was human. The thin that probably shocked her the most, was the fact that she had clothes on.

To her she had to idea what was on her body. I mean come on, she grew up with a tail and a seashell for a bra. At least she knew what that was. The outfit that covered her was a maroon t-shirt, a plaid skirt, and tan boots.( the outfit in 3x14) It was simple and cute, but the heels would kill her. Lydia slowly stood up, gripping the rocks around her to pull herself up to her feet. In one of her first moments as a human she learned one  thing, sand plus high heels does not end well. She also learned that Malia isn't that big of a bitch.

Lydia moved her legs forward and kept hold of the rocks. She moved her right in front of her left and her left in front of her right. She kept doing this and was soon walking on her own. Lydia saw that she was on a beach, the sun was just setting so it was empty and quiet. The sun had casted thousands of colors upon the sky, like a child had played with paints.

Everything had caught her attention: the city lights, the people, the metal machines that made loud noises, the tall brick castles that touched the sky, the weird smelling smoke that filled the air, and everything that went alone with being human. As she was walking down the gray walkway, she got a lot of strange looks. Like a glare of envy or hatred. Which she didn't understand. At some point, she looked down at the shoes and just keep walking. While walking, she felt a hand touch her shoulder and she jumped and turned to look at the person.

It was a girl. She looked younger than Lydia and was covered in weird designs and some metal was stuck in her ear. (Earrings and tattoos ) "You lost," she asked.

Lydia nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders. The girl glanced at Lydia," Can you talk?"

Lydia frowned and shook her head. The girls face softened," Well I'm Allison Argent," Lydia slightly smiled," would you like something to write with."

Lydia nodded her head and Allison handed her paper and a pen. Lydia quickly snatched it from her hands and messily wrote a note. 'Hi I'm Lydia Martin' ( yes I'm using her last name and all writing will be in italics.)

Allison took the note and smiled," Lydia Martin, I like it," Allison looked at the poor girl and sensed something different about her," How would you like to be my new best friend." Lydia smiled and nodded her head and brought Allison into a hug. They probably sat there for about an hour getting to know each other. Of course Lydia had to slightly lie, like saying she ran away from a foster home. But hey she had made a friend.

Allison couldn't even believe it. She had never trusted anyone in her life as fast as she trusted Lydia? It was like fate wanted to be best friends, even sisters one day. As Lydia told Allison her story, Allison brought Lydia into her arms tightly and hugged her like tomorrow. Lydia had never been hugged by anyone besides Clarity and it scared her when Allison had hugged her. Slowly, Lydia relaxed into the hug and hugged Allison back. Allison pulled away from the hug and looked at Lydia," Do you want to go on an adventure?"

Lydia's head was sticking out the window as they were driving along the empty highway. Music was blasting out of Allison's car radio and Allison was driving and yelling the lyrics to all the songs. Lydia had been gazing out at the stars, when her strawberry blonde hair got caught in the wind and started to violently whip around her head like a tornado. She brought her head into the car and smiled and shook her head. Allison looked at her, "Welcome to life."

That was Lydia's first road trip. And probably her last. This thought saddened her. She had a week. A whole week to make someone fall in love with her and kiss her. The thought scared her. To her, love was a build up over time. It could take months, maybe even years. But not days. It was an impossible mission, but she would enjoy her time as a human.

She was shaken out of her thought, when Allison had suddenly stopped driving. Allison turned to look at Lydia,"We're here." Lydia took out the pen and paper and wrote,'Where's here?'

Allison gave Lydia a warm smile, "You'll find out." Allison turned off the car and placed the keys in her bag, she then proceeded to get out of the cramped and stuffy car, and enjoyed the cool night. "Come on Lyds," she grinned," Lets go exploring."

Lydia rolled her eyes and climbed out of metal machine, which she learned later on, that it was called a car. Lydia walked up to Allison and tightly gripped her hand, as both girls walked through the metal entrance. "Do you know what this place is," Allison whispered to Lydia. Lydia shook her head and looked at the brunette girl. "Its an abandoned water park, I used to come here all the time with my friends," Allison chuckled," God how I miss Scott."

Lydia looked confused,'Who's Scott?' She wrote, hoping to learn some answers. Allison looked at the note," Scott was my best friend and my boyfriend." Lydia raised her eyebrows and gave her friend a mischievous smile. Allison started dying from laughter, only making Lydia happier. "Would like to hear this dull tale,"Allison asked and Lydia gladly nodded her head.

Two hours later and Lydia had learned everything about Scott McCall and his partner in crime, Stiles Stilinski. Except Stiles isn't his real name and nobody, not even Scott knows it. Lydia also learned that Scott and Allison were dating for about a year and a half before they broke it off. Allison obliviously still has feelings for him, since she has photos of them together still on her phone. Allison told Lydia that he broke it off, he was moving away with Stiles and that long distance just wouldn't work. They haven't talked since. Lydia could tell that the girl in front of her was still heartbroken, probably more than she should be and that broke Lydia.

This was the first time that Lydia had witnessed what true heartbreak after love was. Not even when she was a mermaid had she witnessed this. After Allison's story, Lydia gave her a hug, that caused a smile to appear on Allison's face. "Even with silly story's, let's go play she yelled.

Allison had given Lydia a flashlight, and it scared her. A piece of metal produced golden yellow light. It amazed her. The two girls were know running around and exploring the empty park. Running up and down empty slides. Climbing into empty pools. Playing hide and seek. Pretty much just enjoying life.

Soon after both the girls had gotten tired, they set up a camp. They had pulled the car into the park itself and decided to camp out in the car. Allison had folded down the backseats and opened the truck of her car.(its like a weird suv...idk) There was plenty of room for both girls, after Allison had locked up the car. Lydia trew a piece of paper onto Allison face, when she opened it. It read, 'Night Ally, thanks for the adventure.' Allison smiled and tucked the note into her jean pocket. "Night Lyds, and I'm glad I could provide an adventure."

And sure enough, both girls were soon fast asleep.

its currently 1:35 am and im tired

Ally and lydia are friendship goals AND IM SO HAPPY I WROTE THIS

Stiles and scott might be in the next chapter......just saying

And i will probably change it so there will be more of a back story and i will add of characters into said back story....the back story might be the next chapter

Idk im going to bed and thank you for reading


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