Hiking Is Not My Thing

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Hiking... I really know nothing about this topic so I'm going to do my best. I don't think there's really anything about hiking in this but if it's wrong then please comment that for me. Thank y'all anyways.


What happens when you pair up an athletic person with a gamer to go on a long hiking trip? Well nothing good, that's for sure.

"Can we stop now?" Lia whined. Lia is a gamer. Not really, she more of a lay-home-in-bed-and-watch-action-movies girl. But on occasions, and I mean a lot of occasions, she plays games. Like Halo, Assassins Creed, Call of Duty and other things.

While on the other hand, we have a real athletic person named Jack, also known as the Jerk in Lia's book, who loves the outside like it's his lover. He can't stay in the house more than 3 hours after waking up. It's either basketball, track, football, soccer, even swimming! You can't stop this boy. Now the question on hand is: How on earth did these two meet if they were so different from each other? You know the saying "opposite attracts"? Well that's exactly what happened here.....

Just kidding. That's one thing that for sure did not, I repeat, did not happen. It's more of like a forced friendship. Their parents are the best of friends and they want their children to get along with each other. Jack and Lia was born on the same day, Jack being born 3 minutes earlier. Their parents' dream of them being together like best of friends just like them but not everyone's dream can come true right?

But still, their parents are very persistent about them being friends so that's why Lia and Jack are hiking up the big mountain together. "Whether you leave each other or not, you're responsible for each other's lives." That's what the parents said. Which means they don't have a choice to leave. They have to live.

"If we stop now, we'll never get to the top and back in time for dinner later."

"Well, why can't we just say we went to the top and back down?" Lia complained. Jack turned around and looked straight into Lia's eyes and made sure she understood the next thing that came out of his mouth. "Listen here, they request to have a picture of us and the peak by dinner time. If not, they are gonna make us do this again. I don't like this any better than you do so might as well do this right the first time."

Lia was so surprise at him being so close to her, she just nodded her head and continued walking up the path, silent as a mouse. Only fifteen minute passed and she started complaining again. But this time Jack completely ignored her and kept walking. "You just don't know when to shut your mouth, do you?" He said glaring at her. He already has that look in his eyes whenever he's playing a game so she was used to it. Lia glared back at him and said, "I do but I won't in this case cause its way too boring to be quiet." After half an hour later they were about to be at the peak. Maybe a mile or half more to go and they're there. "We're almost there." Jack said more generously this time. The only thing Lia's could see when she lifted her head was Jack's wide back. She still kept talking though. About everything, from shoelaces to the Hulk. She's a pretty random girl at times of boredom.

When they reached the top, they could see everything. The clouds, birds, villages, rivers and even their individual houses. Although they thought it was pretty cool, no one said a single word. Jack pulled out a camera, an expensive one too, and took a shot of the scenery. Lia kept quiet and kept looking into the distant. "Do you think I could fly?" Lia randomly asked. Jack took a break from snapping pictures and looked at her. Has Lia gone crazy? He thought. "Are you stupid or something? Of course you--"

"Can, right? I definitely can, right?" Lia interrupts Jack and spread her arms apart. "What are you doing?" Jack asked fearing the impossible. Lia's eyes beamed with excitement, "I'm gonna fly!"

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