BL plot twist(?)

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(A/N: KakaNaru specialty anyone? well too bad.
*Trigger warning?*)
"Get up Naruto" I pretended not to hear him. "Your making a scene, now get up." I picked my head or the ground and look at the villagers with matching Curiosity. "How bout nahh" I plopped my head back down. I heard Kakashi-Sensei sigh and tell people to move on and ignore me.
well then, rude much?

"I'm really tired of your shit Uzumaki" before I could make another smartass remark my former sensei had picked me up by my leg and thrown me over his shoulder like a potato sack.
I can't complain that much though..

"So Kaka-Baka, Not that i don't appreciate the view back here, but were are we going?" I chuckled out ignoring the stares of the villagers. "Please don't tell me you've been looking at my ass this entire time"

"I can't say I haven't, but my leg hurts, also my head feels heavy. How much longer we got? I may pass out before we get were we're going you know? Why didn't you just use a transportation jutsu? Are you stupid or something? wha-OW!"
Kakashi ceased my rambling when he let go of my foot and i fell on my head onto the not-so-soft ground. "that wasn't very nice" I sat up soothing the lump on my noggin.

"Just stay put" following orders I sat indian style and looked around. "Hold up, this isn't the tower.." I glanced at Kakashi who was unlocking the door of a door and walking inside. "Come on in, I'll be out in a minute" Kakashi's voice rang from what I guess is the kitchen. I did as told glanced around. Why did we come to his house of all places. guess I'll have to find out.

Kakashi went straight to the kitchen so I decided to go around and explore.

The house had one level, it was really simple since all it had was one bedrooms a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. The place was on the outskirts of the village, which is what most full time Shinobi chose lived in.

So far all I hadn't found anything interesting in the living room or bathroom, so to the bedroom I go.

The door of Kakashi's bedroom creaked loudly when I opened it. Good thing he's still in kitchen, or so I choose to think.
I walked in and took a look around. "This house is way too plain for my taste.." I spoke my thoughts out loud looking at the cream walls; that strangely, matched the bed sheets to a capital T.

I looked through all of the dresser-drawers & in the closet and still found nothing remotely interesting.
"I never thought he'd be this boring" I spoke my thoughts again more in disbelief than just because.

"I'm not that boring" I spun around and saw Kakashi leaning against the door frame reading.
"I-I was just uh-uh exploring. yeah exploring. I didn't mean any harm by it or anything" I shut my trap feeling myself blush.
Wait.. what am I blushing for anyways.

"It's fine Naru-kun, I have two pictures in the desk drawer if your that curious" Taking his word (with some caution) I walked to the desk right next to the bed. Inside the drawer were two pictures just like he said. One of them was Kakashi with his father. The other one was of his old team as Genin.

"So you were his student" I plopped my butt on the bed holding the team picture over the other one. "You knew already?" I simply nodded a put the team one back in the drawer. I held the picture of a silver-hair'd child on top of his silver-hair'd fathers shoulders looking like a little kid should. happy.

"Both of them really are heroes" I smiled thinking of the legendary White Fang and Yellow Flash. "So you don't think my father's is a traitor?" Kakashi pushed himself off of the door frame and walked to where I was while i put the picture away. "If the mission report was written correctly, then why would I?" He simply nodded and went back to reading his orange book.

Didn't he want to interrogate me or something? What the hell is so great about that book series anyways?

Ignoring my first inner question I moved closer to get a better look into that book. That meant I had to get really close since he had it in right his face. Awkward.

"What's so great about that orange book Kakashi-Sensei?" I asked him agitation lacing my voice. "Interesting story line" Kaka-Baka answered lowering his book some. I saw a light blush covering his cheeks.
ha! 'Interesting story line' my ass.

Wait a minute, I just realized he's not wearing his mask. Wow, he'd kinda cute for an older man.

"Then can you tell me what so great about it since you wont let me read it?" My question only made him bush some more. Heh I didn't think he could blush at all. "How bout I show you instead?" He closed his book and turned to face me.
I was sitting directly behind him and over his shoulder as a last attempt, just because he wouldn't let me read it. So you can imagine how much closer we were when he turned around. "How are you going to do that?"
You cant show someone a storyline. What if it has another World War in it? Huh? You gonna start another Ninja War teme?
I didn't voice these questions at all, even if i really want too.

"Just go with it" Was all he said.
Taking my silence as an okay he rolled on top of me in a straddle position and held my arms above my head. "Uhh.. sensei?" I tried to speak further but he shut me up with a kiss. It was sweet and gentle. I was very confused but I kinda liked whatever we were doing so I went with it. i kiss him black. when I did that he let my wrists go and held some his weight off of me with his elbows, which by the way were at the sides of my head caging me in. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to deepen the kiss.

We broke apart and just stared at each other trying to catch our breath. He took my first kiss, Wow, way to go Kakashi
"Wow" said Silver-hair'd baka breathed out keeping eye contact with me. "So people steal first kissed in the book?" I threw my arm over my head failing to hide my blushing face and still a bit agitated. "That's just great"

Kakashi didn't move off of me making feel a more than a little awkward. "Heh thats not all that gets stolen Na~ru~to" I heard the zipper of my jacket being undone as he spoke. "What are you doing now" I demanded holding his wrist away from my chest. "What? don't tell me you know you didn't like it" He tried to kiss me again. "Just get off of me, please?" I turned my face away from his ignore the hurt that flashed through his eyes. "I don't really want to do this" I lied hoping he would let me go already. Why i can't throw him off of me is a mystery right now. "Fine" Kakashi sighed and rolled off of me.

"See you later,?I guess" I hopped of the bed and faced Mr. Hatake with a awkward smile. "We'll start receiving D-rank missions again tomorrow right?" He opened his book back up and read. "Yea.." I stood there for a minute contemplating.
UGH! ya know what? YOLO
Finding the confidence I walked up to Kakashi and gave hime a goodbye kiss on the cheek. "Never again" Before he could respond I poof'd back home to sleep in my own bed.

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