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Yep. And here I am. Lost inside a mysterious place that is said to swallow ships and planes.
"How are going to get out of this place?" Asked Connor.
"Oh God. This is the place where the nightmares of all pilots and sailors come from. And now, we're in it." Said Boriz.
"Wait here and don't move the ship. I'll try to find anything about the Bermuda Triangle in the books." I suggested.
Then, I ran quickly downstairs. I opened the library's door.
"Bermuda Triangle.... Bermuda Triangle... B... B.... Aha!" I snatched a geography book from the bookcase and quickly open it.

Bermuda Triangle is known by the tragedies hidden inside it. It is a place covered with mysteries not yet discovered. Many planes or ships that flew across that place, they has mysteriously dissapeared without any traces. Since then, many experts are trying to unveil the mysteries hidden inside it. In 1976, a scientist named Robert vann Joed has willingly to sail his ship into the Bermuda Triangle to uncover it. Unfortunately, his ship dissapeared too like the others. Before he dissapeared, he sent a message with a telegram to the USA Harbour. His message only consists of one word: "Dive". Since that time, many theories have been spoken by public...

"Hmm... Dive?" I asked to myself.

"Maybe this man named.. Robert vann Joed dived into the sea and find something." Said Connor.
"So you're saying that we have to dive into the water that we even don't know what lies beneath it?!" Asked Boriz.
"Well, do you have another idea?" I asked.
"N-no, Sir." Said Boriz.
"Then, this is our only choice."
"But you better hurry, Captain, cause our ship are trembling." Said Connor.
Suddenly, the ship shakes.
"Keep balancing!" I shouted.
"We have to do this quickly, Cap. If not, we're all gonna die here. We have to find out this secret." Said Connor.
"Do we have a diving suit?" Asked Boriz.
"Yes. We have 2 diving suits." I answered.
"So who's gonna dive?"
"Me and Connor. Boriz, stay and watch the ship."
"Okay. Keep safe, Captain. You too, Connor. I don't want either of you to die down there."
"We'll try to not die."

"Are you sure this is safe?" Asked Connor when we were about to dive.
"No. Not at all." I said with a smile.
Before we dive, I realised something. Maybe, if we die down there, we will not see this world again. No. I am not gonna die here either.
"C-Captain?!" Said Connor when he is still shocked.
I recklessly plunge myself into the sea without checking it's temperature, or checking if it's toxic or not. I just... dive.

Hmrmrnmm. Feels cold here. I also can't see anything. I'll turn on my flashlight.
Connor also plunged himself and followed me.
"Check. Check. Do you here me, Connor?"
"Loud and clear, Captain."
We were communicating through radios.
"Well, Captain? You see anything?" Asked Connor.
"Not yet. Keep searching."
"Are you sure we're diving at the right spot?"
"Maybe. I don't know."
He's right. The book didn't gave us the coordinates on where to dive. Ah, forget it. It's too late now.
We're already diving too deep.
We kept swimming until we see something. As far as we go now, we only saw small fishes.

I don't how long have we swam, but I think I saw something.
"There!" I said through the radio.
"There! About 12 metres ahead!"
"I can't see anything!"
"You haven't turn your flashlight on!"
"Oh ok now I see something big. In South-East direction!" Said Connor.
"Let's check it out." I suggested.

"Hmm... It looks like a wrecked ship." Said Connor.
"This is not a ship. See? These are ruins of a building." I said.
"Maybe, not only a building..."
"Hah? What?"
Connor pushed a big rock that is blocking our eyesight.
Then, in front our eyes, we see...
Lies ahead of us, there are many ruins of small building with that in the middle, a large building that has been destroyed by weathering.
"Maybe that's the castle?" I asked in shocked.
"You know this place?" Asked Connor.
"No, but I think I saw this place in the books. Let me remember first."
"I want to check this first." Said Connor while he swims into a rusted door.
"What's inside?" I asked.
"Come here, quick!" Shouted Connor.
I quickly swims into the building he entered.
"What's wrong?" I asked when I sees him.
"Look," Said Connor when his finger is pointing at...
Scattered on the floor, there are dozens of human skeletons. And every one of them was destroyed. In one frame, we see a trident piercing through a skeleton's head. []

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