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5 days later...

"Hold on!"
"Are you sure we're going the right way?"
"Why not?"
"Because this storm is getting angrier!"
"Oh really?"

Our ship was being trapped in a storm since yesterday. Many of my crewmates got sea sick by then.

"Whats wrong with this weather?!" Shouted Connor.
"I think Mother Nature is being angry at us!" I shouted.
"What did we do?!" Asked Boriz.

The storm is getting angrier. I think the ship can't handle it. No. It have to. Or all of us is gonna die. I don't wanna die like this. Please.
I prayed to God hoping we would survive the storm.

"Captain! I think I see a way out of this storm! There! Head for North-West over there!"
"Where? Give me that!"
When I see it, my mouth wanted to shout Thanks God!
The part of the ocean that is clear and sunny where no dark clouds is covering the sun.
"Set sail! Hurry! Crust, take the wheel!" I shouted.
I quickly turned on the other generators so that the ship will move faster. But, I heard a loud noise. A noise that will end our lives. When I turn my head around I see thunderstorms. Plenty of thunderstroms. And it's heading straight to us.

"What?! Is Mother Nature really hated us?!" Shouted Boriz.
"I don't know and keep going!!" I shouted.
The thunderstorms are getting closer. 20 metres.
"Quick!!" The clear skies are only a half kilometre away.
12 metres.
"Oh, shit!" Shouted Connor.
6 metres.
Hurry!! We can get through this! Only 10 metres left to the clear skies ahead!
3 metres.
"Full power!" Shouted Crust.
1 metre.

"Well, we made it."
"At longlast, we can rest peacefully." Said Boriz.
"Yeah, finally. But I have to remind you guys that some part at the back of the ship is toasted." Crust said.
"Wait, where's Captain?" Asked Connor.
"Oh no, I think he's at the back of the ship when one of the thunder strikes."
Connor, Boriz, and Crust quickly ran to the back of the ship and looked around to find him.
"C' mon, where is he??"
"I hope he's still alive," said Boriz.
"Down here!"
"Wait, it's Capt's voice!" Shouted Crust.
"Yeah I'm still alive. I think I must've fell after the thunder strikes. But I'm okay." I said.
"C-Captain?" Connor asked.
"Are dolphins' fins looked like that?" He pointed behind me.
Then I saw it. Two fins, swimming fastly towards me. Those aren't dolphins. Those are Sharks.
"Hurry!" I shouted.
"The ladder!" Crust shouted.
Those sharks are swimming towards me with mouths full of sharp teeth. One shark is worse. Two?! Are you gotta be kidding me?!
The sharks are speeding towards me fast, just like a torpedo. []

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