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"You have to let us go!" I shouted to Captain Goldthrust.
"Not a chance!" He shouted.
"Or both of our ships are going down!" I shouted to him.
"I'll let you go, but with one condition."
"And what is that?"
"You have to sacrifice one of your crewmates to Poseidon, God of the Sea, and by that I mean the sharks below."
"WHAT??! NOOO!!!" Shouted Crust angrily.
"It's the one of the pirate's rules. You let the victim go but you have to spare one of them to the water below."
"If that is, let me." I decided.
"What?! Captain?! Not you?!!! I thought you want to die peacefully!" Shouted Boriz.
"A true captain will sacrifice himself for his crewmates."
"Captain... no...." said Connor.
"Then, let me sacrifice myself." Suddenly Crust said.
"Crust? You?!" Asked Boriz.
"Yeah. Me. Captain Stalk, you are more needed than me in this journey." Said Crust.
"Crust... not you.. You have your own role in this world." I said desperately.
"But Boriz or Connor can replace me, my job is only looking around." He said.
"Hurry and make a choice! The whirpool is getting stronger!" Shouted Captain Goldthrust angrily.
"Captain Stalk, it has been a pleasure to work with you. Keep safe. I want you to be still alive at the end of this journey."
"So long, Crust." I said while crying.
"Ready?" Asked Captain Goldthrust while going to make Crust fall from the ship and got eaten by sharks.
"Down there... That's where I end." Said Crust slowly.
"I hope we can meet again..."
"At the other side."

Crust fell from the ship and into the sea.
And suddenly, the water below turns red.
He's dead.
Now it's only 3 of us.
"CRUST!!!!" Connor shouted to the sky.
The whirpool is getting stronger. I don't care. What I want to see again is Crust.
"Captain! Help us!" Shouted Boriz.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry." I said.
"The ship can't handle it. This ship has taken too much damage!" Shouted Connor.
"Then, there is only one way." I said.
"What is that?" Asked Boriz.
"We have to join the pirates' ship."
"But if not, we're all gonna die." I said slowly.
"Fine, whatever you say."
"We have to do this. Because another trouble just came in." I said.
A giant tentacle is coming out from the center of the whirpool.
3 tentacles...
6 tentacles...
8 tentacles...
And now it's head.
"The Kraken. And it's welcoming us for our death." I said.

"If we don't join forces, we will die because of this whirpool and got eaten by that Kraken!" I said to Captain Goldthrust.
"And I thought Kraken's Cove and the Whirpool of Death are different places." Said Boriz.
"Well, I don't want to loose my life," said Captain Goldthrust.
"Then let's do it!" I shouted.
"Fine. But this is only because of that dirty Kraken."
"Yes, I agree."

"Take another shot! This time, aim for it's eye."
"Kraken... Kraken... Kraken... Ah! Here we go!" I said while searching the Kraken in the ship's library.
The Kraken is a mythical being that is know to form a giant octopus that is said to attack big boats. Until now, rarely sees the Kraken. It's only known weakness is...
I quickly ran upstairs to tell the others.
"Slow down and tell us what you've found!" Shouted Captain Goldthrust.
"I...know...th..the...Kraken's...weakness..is." I said heavily after running.
"And what is it's weakness?" Asked Connor.
"We have to shoot it's mouth." I said.
"The one under it?" Asked Boriz.
"Yeap, that one." I answered.
"How can we shoot it? We can't just told the Kraken to show it's mouth." Said Connor.
"No, we don't have to do that." Said Captain Goldthrust.
"I have an idea. But I won't guarantee 100% it will work." He said.
"Go on,"
"What if the both ships shoot all of it's cannons the same time to the Kraken. The Kraken will fall to the left, right? Once it showed us it's mouth, we're going to finish it once and for all." He suggested.
"Good idea!" Said Boriz.
"But, we have to reload the cannons fast, and we have to shoot the cannonballs right in the target, since there are whirpools everywhere." I said.
"Let go and try that plan first!" Said Connor.

"Aim wisely..."
I showed a sign to Captain Goldthrough that we are ready to shoot the Kraken.
"Are you ready?"
In 3!
And all the cannonballs flew away, hoping all of it will hit the Kraken. But...
The Kraken is not there anymore. It just like... it dissapeared.
"How?! It was there 1 second ago!" Asked Boriz.
Well, too bad.
Suddenly, 5 giant tentacles came up from the water exactly in front of the two ships.
The Kraken is exactly in front of our eyes.
"We're being attacked!" Shouted Connor. []

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