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"Damn it! Why is he so smart?!" Asked Captain Goldthrust angrily.
"He?! Are you sure that the Kraken is a boy?" Asked Knug. Knug is one of the pirate crews.
"Probably she!" Said Zep. Also a pirate crew.
"Oh, shut up you two! That pole is going to go down if you don't check it! " Shouted Captain Goldthrust.
The remaining pirate crews is consist of Captain Goldthrust, Zeb, Knug, Hek, Deg, Sao, Xem, Jor, Lav, Frok, and Friik. The other ones, they died.
"Lav, shoot the tentacles that coiled around the neck of the ship! Frok and Friik, make sure that the cannons are fully reloaded! Deg, check if there are any damage because of the Kraken or the whirpools. Hurry!" Said Captain Goldthrust.
"Captain Gold, the ship can't hold it anymore." Said Hek.
"Then tell the other ship to help us!"
"I think they're in trouble too, Cap."

"Shoot the eye first!" I shout to Boriz. Captain Goldthrust is already back on his ship. We're working together to take down this Kraken.
"I can't see clearly!" Sais Boriz.
"I'll guide you! To the left... No! Too left! Right... Yes! A little bit left..."
"Yes! Now shoot!!"
The Kraken is angry.
It coiled our ship more tight.
"Aarrgghh!! Help... please..." said Boriz. The ship is shaking because of the whirpools.
"No one can save us! The other ship is in trouble too! It's either we're going to help them or both of us die!" I shouted.
"Then... lets help them!" Suggested Connor.

"Captain Gold... are you sure we're going to help Captain Stalk and his friends?" Asked Xem.
"If we don't help them, both of us will be smashed into pieces.
AIM FOR THE EYE!" Said Captain Goldthrust.
The cannon quickly aims for the Kraken's eye.
"SHOOT!!!" Shouted Captain Goldthrust.

"SHOOT!!" I shouted.

Both the cannonballs hit both eyes.
"The Kraken is weakening! Shoot again!" I shouted.
"Once more!"
The Kraken's handle has loose!
"Look! The Kraken has showed it's mouth! Prepare the cannons again! Quickly!" Shouted Captain Goldthrust.
"It's a clear target. Let's do a finishing shot!" I shouted.
"Yes! There we go!"
"The target is clear, Captain."
"Wait for the signal."
A red light flies from Captain Goldthrust's ship through the night sky.
"That's the signal! Shoot!!" I shouted.

"The Kraken is down, I repeat the Kraken is down!"
"YES!!! We did it!" I shouted happily. Also, the whirpools have officially ended!
"Congratz, Cap!" Said Connor.
"Thank you."
Then, the pirate ship is moving towards us. Captain Goldthrust looks happy too.
"Captain, you've done well." He said.
"You've done your best too." I said to him while shaking hands.
"Yes, but I afraid, that creature isn't permanently died. It's only sick. And it's gaining it's power back in days." He said.
"Aye, Captain. Me and my crewmates will have a watchout. Thank you for your cooperation."
"Your welcome, mate. But remember, we will always be enemies. I'll let you go this time without any sacrifices. This game ain't end here, Captain." He said.
"I know that sooner or later, we will meet again." I answered.
"Well, I've gotta continue my own journey then. So long, Captain Stalk."
"So long, Captain Goldthrust. Until next time." I said.
"SHIVER ME TIMBERS!!" He shouted when his ship is sailing away.
"What now?" Asked Connor.
"Let's get some sleep first. I'll wake you guys when the sun is back to the sky." I suggested.
"Alright, good night, Captain." Said Connor.
"Night, Captain."
"Good night, Connor, good night, Boriz." I said to them.
Then, I walk to my own bedroom and I lay down on my bed. I looked outside from the window. The ship's almost destroyed because of the fight with the Kraken and the whirpools. At least, it still can move. And now, that Captain Goldthrust is gone, we're on our own now. No one supports us. Only us, and the danger around us. I yawned. It's time to sleep.
Well, good night. See you tomorrow. []

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