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"Climb up, Captain! Hurry! Before you become lunch!"
"Very funny, Boriz!"
Damn, the sharks are getting closer. I quickly climb up the ladder. But, their next move is terrifying.
The sharks swim to the bottom of the sea. I don't know why. Suddenly, they jumped. Yes, they jump. I fell off the ladder and into the sea. Oh God. The sharks are swimming around me. I've got nowhere to go. When I can see clearly again, I get it. Tiger sharks. Not too dangerous. I can fight them.
"Guys! Give me a blade! Now!" I shouted to the crew.
They throwed the blade.
Yes! I've got it!
"Now, who's gonna try and become shark fin soup first?" I said to the sharks.

The first shark attacked me. Luckily, I was stealthy. I catch the first shark's tail and slashed it with my blade. Yeah. Now you can't swim anymore. I teared it's fin. One down, one to go. The second shark bit my leg. Shit! I quickly stabbed it again and again. Finally... The water around me turns red. I brought a fin to the boat for a souvenir.

"Looks good huh?" I asked.
"Nice, you also killed those sharks!" Said Boriz.
"Now if you excuse me, I want to have some rest." I also have to clean up the scars on my leg.
"Too bad, Captain." Said Crust who is holding a pair of binoculars.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"I saw a black flag with a skeleton and two bones on it on East-West way." Said Crust.
"Oh hell no," said Connor.
"Pirates! Get ready to stretch your muscles!" I said.

"But Captain, how are you going to fight with your leg like that?" Asked Boriz while pointing my scarred leg.
"Don't worry. I'm used to this." I answered.
"They're getting closer..." said Crust.
"There are only 4 of us! How are we going to fight them?" Asked Connor.
"We're going to sink their ship first," I said.
"Oh this is gonna be fun!" Said Boriz.
"Prepare the cannons!"
"Wait for it..."
"Look! They're hanging up a red flag!" Said Crust.
"A fight till death!" I shouted.

"Here we go."
The pirates are exactly in front of us.
"The name's Captain Goldthrust, and I think you've ruined parts of our ship. You want to mess with us?" The pirate captain said.
"Oh, yeah."
"Well boys, attack!!" He said to his pirate crew.

. . .

"Well, at least we're not dead, right?" Asked Crust while we're tied up onto our own ship. Almost the whole pirate crew is dead. Around us there are plenty of bodies covered with blood. Only 10 pirate crews left. Our body are also scarred in many place. So, the scar on my leg means nothing. Our weapons are also taken by them, so nothing we can do.
"Well, well, well, this is what happens when you mess with us," said Captain Goldthrust.
"Who's head am I going to slay first?" Asked Captain Goldthrust.
"What? Which one of you said that?"
"Me, I don't know what is in your mind that you want to kill people so bad." I said.
"You'll never know what is in my mind. I'm unpredictable. Now tell me, what is your worst fear, Cap?"
"My worst fear? Death. My worst fear is death." I said.
"DEATH?! You're worst fear is to die? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Everyone is going to die, you know?"

"Fear of death is worse than
death itself."

"What?" Asked Captain Goldtrust.
"Everyone is going to die, but I want to die peacefully, in my sleep. Not by slaying my head. Now let us go." I said.
"You think I'm going to let you guys free that easily?! Not a chance!"
And suddenly, the sky becomes dark again. The water started to change. Captain Goldtrust quickly took his map.
"God..." he said.
"What?!" Asked Connor.
When I saw the water, I now know that we have entered a dangerous side of the ocean again.
"What?! Where is this place?!" Asked Crust angrily.
I slowly answered.
"We're at the Whirpool of Death. And I think, Mother Nature is mad at us again." []

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