Intro//1. Promotions

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I really want to thank all of you for keeping with me until the third book.   I also want to apologize for the terrible summary I put up. I had to put up something so I could start posting chapters.   Real quick before we get started:

I love comments. Even the mean ones. Crazy right?

I love votes. How else does a person become prom queen?

Lastly, this book will have smut, sexual tension, abuse, and rape scenes. I mean the other two had it, it's like tradition or something. Like starting all three book titles with pri, it just happens, so let it happen baby ;)

Bows on stage, knocking over mic stand and scurries away at the loud screeching sound.

    It had been almost a month, and I had not heard from the elite. I had lost some of Ruth's fortune, Vampires didn't want to deal with a newborn. I had to lean on Richard, the dick, more than I would have liked. He knew about most of Ruth's contracts and upcoming meetings.

    I had also enjoyed more time with my Father, and Grandpap. I wondered if my Father would ever let Grandpap know who I truly was to him. We seemed to get along great, but my Father said Grandpap was an excellent actor, and if he didn't like you but needed something, you were his best friend.

    I had just come home from a meeting I had almost lost and all I wanted to do was have a strong drink and lay down. I had taken over Ruth's room. only changing a few things. I made Stacy the maid my personal servant as well. I pushed the button on my side table and waited for her to come. It sent a buzz down to her room, that was located in this wing, to notify her she was summoned. I sipped on my bourbon and waited for her to arrive.

    "Yes master Stoic." Her voice was small and sweet.   

    I sat on the bed and stared at her. I leaned forward and pulled the shirt from over my head and laid down on my stomach, taking one last glance at her bashful gaze cast the other way.

    "Massage my back."

    I lay there waiting silently. I heard her heart pick up several paces, and listened to it get louder as she neared. These are things I liked to do to unwind.

    I felt her small fingers press into my muscle and work the stiffness away.

    "Stac, I think I should do something for you." My voice was muffled slightly from the pillow. "You've been so good to me lately, how about I give you a better room to stay in?" The room she had now wasn't bad, but it wasn't big and quite cramped.

    I felt her fingers slow a bit. "That would be lovely, Master Stoic."

    "Good it's settled. I want you to clean out the pleasure room and move your things in there. It makes much more sense having you close when I want you." I could smell her fear and a hint of something else.


    I did as I was asked. I cleaned out the torture room and was placing my things as I wanted it. I hated this room. It held so many bad memories. The first one being the worse. Getting rid of some of the things in here had helped, but I still remember what it felt like coming in this room for the first time.

    Ruth called me. She never called for me, always my twin sister. I had to clean the rest of the wing while my sister Susan was assigned to Ruth's personal rooms. I knocked on the door, and Ruth swung it open, slightly peeved.

    "Took you long enough. Hurry up you have plenty of work to do."

    I followed Ruth all the way back into her bedroom and watched as the wall slid away to reveal a secret room. She turned to me, not letting me enter yet.

    "Clean this room, top to bottom. Don't come out until you're done." She stepped to leave but added on. "You've been promoted by the way, don't disappoint me like your sister."

    My heart shattered. I kept my face calm and walked into the room, knowing what I would find there.

    My sister was strapped to a table, and I rushed over to her. She was still breathing, but barely. I ran my finger down her cheek, something we have always done to each other, but she didn't open her eyes. She had cuts up and down her body. Her clothes had been shredded, but lay in scraps covering her still form.

    "Touch her, and you will replace her." Ruth called out from her bedroom. I loved my sister, but there was no sense in getting us both in trouble. I started to clean the blood off the knives. My sister's blood on the floor and walls. I scrubbed and listen to her breath, thankful for every one she took. I was almost done when Ruth walked in, dragging a man behind her. He wasn't very big, and was chained tight around his wrists.

    I got up to leave but was stopped. "I didn't dismiss you yet." Ruth's smile made me shudder internally.

    I stepped back away and into the wall. I watched as Ruth chained the man to the table my sister was on, strapping his legs and arms right over the ones that held down my sister. Ruth seemed satisfied, and picked up a knife. She slowly cut away the clothes off Susan, and then the shorts off the man. I wanted to look away, I didn't want to watch this man press his naked body to my sister's, but what Ruth said next left my eyes wide.

    "Fuck her. Every time you hesitate, You will be whipped." Ruth injected him with something. "You have about five minutes grace period for the drug to kick in, after that, the whipping starts."

    Ruth walked up to me, and reached for a whip from the wall. The light caught in the rope and I could see the sharp pieces of metal imbedded in the whip. She grinned at me. "Stay and watch, so you know not to disobey me."

    I stayed in that room, and watched as that man was forced to rape my sister. At first he didn't move, but when the whip hit his back, he started thrusting. It must have hurt badly, my sister woke up slightly, and screamed. The whole time I cried for her, and then couldn't help but to think it was me lying on that table. We were identical, so it was like watching myself be raped.

    My sister died a few hours after. The man left with four whip marks bleeding down his back, and my sister lay on that table as Ruth cut her open while she still breathed.

    And now I had to stay in this room. I wanted to tell Stoic, beg him so badly not to make me, but I couldn't find the words. I didn't realize until I had all my things settled, that I didn't have my own bathroom. The closest one was his, and the one after that was on the far end of the wing, close to my old room.

    I also couldn't go to the kitchen in the middle of the night anymore for fear of waking him. Staying here, having to walk into his personal space to do anything limited me. I sighed and got up off my bed. I had cleaned his room in the morning, then worked on mine and hadn't done the rest of the wing yet.

    I walked out to catch Stoic feeding from some blonde girl. I kept my eyes down and briskly walked out as fast as I could, then hoped he was a clean eater this time.


    I had forgotten all about making Stacy move into the pleasure room. That is, until she walked out in the middle of me feeding. I had a blonde slave in my lap, draining her of the last drop. I didn't feed from the source often, but sometimes I was just in the mood for ultra fresh.

    I hadn't thought this through. Stacy in that room meant she would be seeing a lot more of my personal life, not that I cared, but I would have preferred her not to see this. I could see it all over her face she tried to hide too, as she almost ran from the room. My gaze flickered from her pink face down to her short maid skirt. I bit harder into the blonde. That was one thing Ruth got right.

I will be going back and forth between Stacy and Stoic for a few chapters, then it will be all Stoic. I just want you all to get to know Stacy a little better. I played her as the victim in the last book and I want you to see a little deeper into her life.

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