Fallen Star ~Eight~

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*Jamie’s POV*


Have you ever had the mingled feelings of guilt and glee? Like, maybe when you were younger you begged your parents to do something for you even if they were busy, and were happy to have it done but guilty to drag them away from what they were doing? Those were the emotions I was overcome by right now.

On the plus side, Kelso had shown serious signs that he was getting used to me. Maybe even liked me a little. He hadn’t switched cabins despite everything, and even admitted to wanting to stay friends. Something told me that if Mac or Ink did half the things I did he wouldn’t ever have said that. Or spoken to them again. So I must be doing a pretty good job.

On the down side-I felt bad. Really bad about last night. He’d seemed horrified that he’d been willing to give up a kiss without any struggle-again that brought up mixed feelings-and I think he was genuinely upset. This wasn’t me though-I normally didn’t do this.

I know some gay guys enjoy messing with a straight guys heads, but that wasn’t my thing. Even if I didn’t think Kelso really was straight, I’d usually let whoever sit in the closet if that’s what they wanted. I just didn’t seem able to help myself-I’ve said it before, but he’s a magnetic blend between cute and fascinating. And I wanted him. So much in so many ways it almost hurt.

I slowed my pace a little-it was early morning and I was on my way to the dinning hall. Kelso had been long gone before I’d woken up, and it had become normal for him to not show up at breakfast. Of all mornings, this was the most likely that he wouldn’t.

Expect, when I pushed open the door, he sat between Mac and Ink at the usual table. He wasn’t smiling, but this wasn’t odd. He rarely gave real smiles, especially not where a lot of people could see him. But why was he here…? I couldn’t figure that out if a had a lifetime to guess.

Which is exactly why I was so drawn to him. He never did what you’d expect. He looks up, see’s me in the doorway, and visibly darkens. I shoot him an apoligetic smile, which he ignores, and walk to the table as everyone else begins to take notice of me.

“Jamie! Look who decided he wasn’t to cool for us!” Tally smirks, giving Kelso the evil eye.

“Intreasting” I murmur in reply, and sit down with the group.

Ink rolls his eyes “You guys are to harsh. He was probably just using the time to get into Maria’s pants…”

I think no one else notices, but something like annoyance and suspiciously close to protectiveness flares up in his eyes, only to be blanketed by blankness moments later. Did he.. Have feelings for her? I knew he was trying to get with here, but to have attachment…?

I frown. I’m something I havn’t been for a long time-jealous.

“Speaking of which, did you get any?” Mac asks, continuing where Ink left off.

Kelso rolls his eyes “Some.” is his only response, and I find myself making a fist to restrain anger from showing on my face. How much was some? His baby blue eyes flicker to me, as if waiting for some form of emotion. I just grit my teeth and force a good natured look onto my face.

“I want details!” So do I Mac, so do I.

“You sound like a gossip hungry girl” he mutters in return.

“Nah, that’s Jamie” Tally disagrees “He wants to know if his little blond is still a virgin”

Kelso rolls his eyes “There is so much wrong with what you just said that I don’t even know where to start”

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