Everything Comes Down to Blood

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 Hey guys it's Beth here. I just wanted to apologise because I haven't written any of this FanFic for ages - due to a combination of Food Poisoning and Writer's Block. But I'm back in action, and hopefully updates will come more frequently now. I also apologise because this isn't a very lighthearted chapter - but nevertheless, life isn't all about flirting and fun, so I wanted to include it. Don't hate me - I'll write more Delena banter for the next chapter, hopefully.

I also have been reading lots of Harry Potter FanFic - and that made me wonder, who'd read if I wrote a Dramione orientated Harry Potter FanFic?? :)

Thanks for your support it means a lot! :D

Beth ;) xx


Damon Salvatore POV

I glanced worriedly over at Elena in the passenger seat. She’d been quiet and reserved ever since she had made that call to Stefan earlier – and I couldn’t help feeling insanely guilty. Hang on a minute, I thought to myself. Guilty? Since when did Damon Salvatore feel guilty?

But I did.

I couldn’t help but feel I’d been taking advantage of Elena – the fragile state she’d been in since she found out that Stefan had left with Klaus – I’d been kissing her at every opportunity and generally doing my best to woo the woman. I sighed, exasperated. Because as much as I tried to blame myself, I couldn’t deny the fact that there was something between Miss Gilbert and myself. I knew I was in love with her – remembering back to that night when I had broken my promise and compelled her to forget my admission – but I couldn’t help thinking that of late her feelings for me had changed. I just had to find a non invasive way of getting those feelings out of her.

A gentle snore and the murmur that people only make when they’re deep in slumber roused me from my thoughts – and looking at Elena with her head lolling back, mouth open slightly and her arms wrapped around herself protectively, made me smile. She was beautiful in every right – a lot like Katherine, in that respect – but the beauty that Elena held was far more pure; more innocent.

Now it was up to me to corrupt that innocence, after all, that was what Damon Salvatore did best.

I turned the stereo off in fear of waking her, and drove along the winding country road at a relatively slow pace, musing in my earlier thoughts. I made a decision, that moment, as I drove past the boarding house and found myself experiencing a strange sense of déjà vu as I remembered our last road trip to Atlanta.

I smiled as I recalled the time when I'd abducted Elena, back when she’d had her first major row with Stefan, how outraged she’d been when she realised I had ‘kidnapped’ her for a little road trip. I chuckled to myself as I remembered back to her getting drunk – downing shot after shot and yet still remaining on two feet. Then I rembered how she’d saved my life, and running my hand through my hair, I sighed.

Because Elena Gilbert, the girl sat in the car beside me, had saved my life more times than I cared to admit. She was the life of me, but I swore someday she’d be the death of me as well.

My mind wandered to thoughts of my brother, again. Was what I was doing, taking Elena on an impromptu road trip, mocking my brother? Was I doing this for all the right reasons? What happened when Klaus – what happened IF Klaus, I amended – let Stefan go? Would Elena run back into Stefan’s open arms, glazing over all the people Klaus has probably made him kill? So many questions, I thought.

If I wasn’t careful, I’d end up like my brother; writing my inner thoughts in a leather-bound journal each day. I rolled my eyes – there was no way I’d ever become that soppy and romantic, unlike Stefan.

Stefan, I sighed to myself. Why is it that everything comes down to blood?

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