Chapter 30

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***I know it's been a little over two weeks since I've posted.  I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about that.  I'm a mother of three with a full time job, and since Christmas is just around the corner I've been picking up more hours.  Please make sure you vote***


It takes everything I have in me to break away from my wife. I could stand here all day in this small bathroom and kiss her.

"We're pregnant," I tell her while looking into her eyes. She bites down on her bottom lip before a smile appears on her face.

"Mmhmm. We are. How do you feel?" She asks.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

"Probably, but I want to know how you feel about all this"

"Thrilled, excited, scared, nervous, I'm sure I could go on and on"

"Me too. I'm a little bit of everything"

I don't know how long we have been in the bathroom, but soon someone is banging on my bedroom door.

"Shit. I forgot. Everyone is waiting for us. What time is it?" Christian grabs his phone from the counter and looks at the time.

"Fuck we have been in here for over an hour, baby"

"It's been the best hour in the world," She giggles. She's right. It has been the best hour in the world.

"Come on, I'll help you get dress" She nods.


Twenty minutes later Ana was dressed once again in her wedding dress and the two of us were heading downstairs.

"Do you think we should tell everyone?" She asks.

"It's up to you? Whatever you want. If you think we should make an announcement while we have all our family here, than let's do it," I tell her honestly.

"I think we should, but I think we should tell your mother and maybe my father before we tell everyone else?"

"Of course, baby. I have an idea. How about you tell your dad during the father daughter dance, and I'll tell my mother during our dance?"



"Ladies and Gentlemen. Please give a warm welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Grey" Ana and I walk back into the tent. Everything has changed. Instead of the altar and chair from the wedding, there is now, table, and chairs, a dance floor, and a live band.

When everyone begins to clap and cheer for the two of us I raise both our hands in the air. Fuck. I even do a fist pump. This is the best feeling in the world. I walk Ana and me to the middle of the dance floor. Now everyone begins to stand and clap for the two of us. Ray and my family are all in tears. My mother has a puddle at her feet. One of the member from the live band joins us on the dance floor and hands me the microphone. I thank him and wait until he returns back on stage.

"Good evening everyone. My wife Anastasia and I would like to thank all of you for coming out today and joining us on this special day. Although it seems like we have rushed into this, but believe me when I say it's been a long time coming. Six long years" Everyone awed. Ana took the microphone from my hands and said,

"Ok, ok. Everyone please enjoy your night. Eat, drink, dance, and be marry" She hands me back the microphone.

"Yeah, what she said" I laugh, and everyone in the tent joins in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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