Chapter 29

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I am so, so, so, so, so sorry.  I know it's been over a month since I have posted, but honestly I have been extremely busy with work, and my kids.  Since I have picked up a second job I hardly have time for anything anymore.  I try my hardest to write as much as I can when I have free time.  I already know most of you are going to ask to update soon, and I want to, but I can't.  I will update when I can.  Please don't forget to vote. 

Christian's POV

I'M MARRIED! I'm fucking married. To Anastasia. No, to Anastasia Grey. That sounds better. I can't believe it. This is a dream come true for me. She is my wife, and I'm her husband. There is nothing that could top this day. Nothing.

After the priest announced us husband and wife I haven't been able to take my hands off her. Walking out of the wedding tent I took Ana right to the boathouse. We've been in here for a little over twenty minutes so that we can have a moment to ourselves.

"Are you happy?" I ask her.

"I'm extremely happy Christian. I've never been this happy in my life. I'm finally married to the man of my dreams. Nothing could ever top this" She leans her naked body into me and plants a soft kiss on my lips. Just as I'm about to kiss her back and take her again there's a knock on the door.

"Oh what the hell. Is it so hard to ask for just a minute alone with my wife" I sigh. Ana hurry's to put her dress back on while I pull my pants up and button them. When were both decent I go to the door and unlock.

Upon opening the door I see my mother and Kate standing there. "Can I help you" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, we need to talk" My mother pushes me aside and walks into the boathouse. Kate follows behind.

"Eww gross. It smells like sex in here," Kate said as she continues to follow behind my mother until they reach Ana.

"Is everything alright Grace?" My wife asks.

"Everything is just fine dear. The reason why Kate and I are here is because we need to talk to you"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Of course not sweetheart. Do you remember that night Christian called me and asked me to come to Escala because you weren't feeling well?"

"Yes. You said it was something, but not the flu"

"Right. It wasn't the flu, it was something else"

"Mother I don't mean to sound rude, but can you get to the point" My mother looks at Kate, and Kate nods.

"Ana's pregnant" She smiles.

"Did you just say I'm....pregnant?"

"Mother, if this is some sick's not funny"

"Your mom isn't joking Christian. It's true we think Ana is pregnant"

"Think or you know?" I ask.

"All signs point to Ana being pregnant. I know I should have said something before...."

"Your damn right you should have said something before. Excuse me, but what the fuck mom"

"Christian, don't speak to your mother like that. It's simply uncalled for. Yes, your mother should have said something" Ana looks at my mother. "But isn't it better for her to tell us now than wait until I seen the doctor in a few days. Think of what will happen to the baby if I drank. That is of course if I am pregnant"

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