Chapter 16

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***I'm back!  Ok so I didn't get much editing done while I was on vacation.  It's kind of hard when your surrounded by nature that is so beautiful.  Anyways after getting home yesterday and unpacking I managed to edit at least one chapter.  Better than nothing***


It's been hours since I've been sitting here in the chair next to my father. Still holding his hand. The reality of it all has finally sunk in. Tears once again escape, and I can't stop them even if I wanted too. I try my hardest to regain control of my sobs, but I think its best right now to just let it all out.

Sometime later I wake up. I must have cried myself to sleep. Looking out the window I see that it's dark out. I think it's time I head over to my father's house and get settled in. He's going to be like this for a few days. I grab ahold of the bed rails and try to stand. My legs feel like pins and needles.


After my shift ended this afternoon I took a slow drive home. I needed to decide if I was going to tell Christian about Ray or not. I might as well be the one to tell him, he'll find out one way or another.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Grey" My son barks into the phone.

"Christian, its mom. Do you have a minute? There's something I need to speak to you about"

"Of course. What's the problem?" Here goes nothing.

"Christian its Ray. He was in an accident early this morning"

"What! Why didn't anyone call me sooner?"

"Calm down sweetheart. As of right now Ray is stable. They have him in a medically induced coma"

"I'm sorry mother. Has anyone told...?" Christian goes silent for a moment. "Has anyone called Ana?"

"Yes. Dr. Edwards was the one who called her the moment Ray was brought in. She's at the hospital with him" I waited for a reply from Christian, but instead the phone went dead.

Crap, crap, and double crap. I knew this was going to happen.

"Carrick, I'm going to need a drink, and you better make it a double"


I hung up on my mother as soon as I heard her say that Ana was at the hospital. Rude of me I know, but I nearly stopped breathing knowing that Ana is in Seattle. I haven't seen her in 6 years.

My breath hitches again when I start wondering what she looks like now. Does she still look the same? Does she still smell the same? Does she still think of me? I have to see her. I need to see her. Now here comes the 'What if's'

What if, she's with someone else? What if, she's married? When it came to Ana Ray would never indulged in that sort of information with me.

I need to pull myself together. I want to go now to the hospital and see her, but it's late. It's going to have to wait until morning.

"Taylor" I call out. In lighting fast speed he's in my office.

"Yes Sir?"

"I need you to do me a favor. I need one of your men to follow someone for me" I know I should be doing this, but I feel that it needs to be done.

"Sir?" He questions.

"I know this is a strange request. This person...." I pause. "This person used to be a friend of mine. More than a friend actually"

"Alright. Does this person have a name, Sir?"

"Her name is Anastasia Steele. She's Ray Steele's daughter" A light bulb goes off in his head.

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