District 6 - male tribute - Porter

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"Tara! Hurry up!" I say.

Tara runs over, holding two knives, a backpack and a bow and arrows.

"How-" I begin to ask.

"Come on, we have to keep going," she says handing me the backpack and one of the knives

How that girl managed to get all the stuff from the cornucopia and make it out without a scratch is beyond me.

We stop running once we're a few miles into the forest. "What now?" I ask.

"I don't know, but we should probably organize the supplies," she says. "So I'll take the bow and arrows, you can have the backpack and the knife. Do you want both of them?"

"No, you can take the other."

"What's in the backpack?"

"Pretty much what you'd expect, but there's no food."

"Okay I'll go look for some food, you stay here and watch the stuff."

Once she walks away I look around. We're in a small clearing, there's some bushes with berries on them, but I know not to pick them without Tara around. She'd know whether or not they're poisonous.

Tara and I have known each other for awhile. We were both Baggage Handlers on a Capitol train back in District 6. Since Baggage Handler don't do much in between stops, Tara and I would sneak to the back of the train where the library was. We both knew how to read, but neither of us had ever been in a library like this before. I always read books about the past and Tara liked survival books.

I don't know why she read them, but thank god she did. Without her I'd probably be dead by now.

Now I just sit here and wait for her to ge back. I never thought I would say this in the Hunger Games, but I'm bored. I have to find something to do.

There's a beehive in one of the trees nearby, I bet there's honey in it.

I leave the backpack in the clearing and climb the tree. There aren't any bees outside of the hive, maybe they all left.

I start cutting at the branch the hive is on with my knife, but it's taking longer than I expected. I hope I finish it before Tara gets back, I want it to be a surprise.

"Porter!" Tara yells.

Startled, my hand slips, cutting the hive off of the branch.

It lands on my face and the bees start to attack. Hundred of bees sting me all at once, killing me.

I guess this went according to plan, Tara was definitely surprised.

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