District 4 - male tribute - Levi

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I just killed someone. Sure, I didn't mean to, but I just took someone elses life. Another human being, just gone, because of me.

Well, what did I expect? This is the Hunger Games, after all, murder is the whole game, but that shouldn't justify what I've just done. Nothing can justify what I just did.

Okay, Levi, if you want to get out of here now is not the time to argue with yourself of the morality of what you just did.

I try to take the trident out of the girls skull, but it gets stuck. I have to push her lifeless body with my foot to get it out.

When I see her face, I scream and drop the trident. In the place of her mouth and nose is a gaping hole, with blood oozing out.

I regain my bearings and pick the trident up off of the ground. I accidentally grab the wrong end and stab my palm with it. The blood from my hand and the blood from her head mix together to the point where i can no longer tell them apart.

I drop the trident again. I don't need this, I'll just find another weapon.

I try to turn around and run towards the cornucopia, but trip over the girls body.

I fall towards the cornucopia and hit my head on the side.

I was still conscious for a few seconds after that. My head hurt like crazy, and I felt kind of cold. The last thing I saw was the blood pouring over my eyes.

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