District 2 - male tribute - William

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I hate these stupid games.

Why did I take that stupid bet.

Well, I know why, I couldn't let my pride be hurt like that. I take every dare. This is no exception. I can beat The Hunger Games without doing anything. I'll prove to them.

So when I hear Templesmith's voice shouting one, instead of running, I sat down. Everyone ran off in different directions and I smiled.

I bet I can go the whole games in this position.

A minute later I see a girl run away on the other side of the cornucopia and I realized she must have just stepped off her plate. She's not going to last very long. But then again, technically I still haven't even left the pedestal, so who am I to judge.

I watch the bloodbath with mild interest, there wasn't a whole lot of fighting. Didn't really live up to it's name. I was still there when the bloodbath ended and I was still there when dusk fell. I never even did so much as uncross my arms or legs.

I felt myself drifting asleep so I jerked my eyelids open, falling asleep meant falling over. I already started this so now I have to finish it.

The sun started to become visible and it was only then that I realized how cold I was. It was freezing out here.

To be brutally honest it was very boring just sitting there so I started to count. I counted all the visible platforms and the ridges on a zipper on my suit and the little creases on my fingers.

Hunger started to kick in but I ignored it.

I wish I never sat down. I can't stand up now, that would be too embarrassing. I have to prove to everyone that I don't even have to try to win.

The longer I sit the more it dawned on me that I would never be able to stand up. Not to get food, or water, or anything. Why did I do this to myself? I wasn't going to be laughed at, so I had to win like this or die like this.

My throat burned from lack of water but I pushed it away.

My legs and arms begged to be stretched but I pushed it away.

My stomach twisted from hunger but I pushed it away.

Eventually I realized I was going to die. But I would rather die with my pride than win and stand up.

I started to hallucinate.

I thought I saw President Snow banging my sister, but I know that could never happen. My sister is way too ugly.

Colorful images continued to haunt me all throughout the morning. I was surprised to see that based on the sun's position, it wasn't yet noon.

Somewhere in the middle of watching a tribute pull out her lungs with her bare hands, I died.

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