District 12 - female tribute - Luna

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It took me longer than the other tributes to realize that the announcer had said to go, so I was the last person off of their pedestal. It didn't matter though, because I survived the bloodbath with some supplies.

I grabbed a backpack and a sharp thing, I'm not quite sure if it's a spear or a knife or something else entirely, but it sure is sharp. Without thinking about it, I touched the blade and cut my finger.

I open the backpack to see if I have any bandages to cover up the wound. Inside is some rope, wire, a sleeping bag, iodine, an empty water bottle, matches, and some bandages.

I take one of the bandaids and put it over the blood. I'm not sure what to do with the wrapper, I don't want to litter, but is it really littering? The Arena isn't real, so it's not nature, but what happens to the trash? Does someone come through the Arena after the games and gather up all of the trash and leftover supplies or does it all just sit there?

I guess I'll just put it back in the backpack.

While the backpack did have a lot of good supplies, there wasn't any food. All I have is the sharp thing which is too big to throw, so I can't do any hunting. This means I'll have to try and find some edible plants.

There was a forest outside of District 12, but there was an electric fence that kept people inside. I tried to go once, let's just say the result was shocking. Since I've never been in a forest before, I have no idea what plants taste good and which ones taste bad.

The first thing I see looks like it might taste good, so I grab a leaf and eat it. It tastes like shit.

I look around some more and see some berries. They're a really pretty color, it's a mixture of purple and blue, so dark it looks like the night sky.

I eat a few berries. They taste delicious, they're sweet, but there's something else too. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but I don't have the time.

I start to feel sick, the berries don't seem so delicious anymore.

My head hurts and my vision starts to blur until I can't see anything anymore.

I slump over on the ground, and die.

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