Book Turnoff's Part 1

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Okay so this is like my rant diary. I'm going to be listing all of my wattpad pet peeves, book suggestions, how to..., etc. I know I'm not an expert on writing but these are just some suggestions to get some extra readers.

Today's agenda:

Book turnoffs

1) Texting language

OMG! Mi crush just LOLed. He is SOO HOT. And I'm jst lyk AHDNFNFMXNFFNFBFJKDND.

I'm sorry if you write your books like this but that seriously is my number one book turn off, in my opinion. Every single person on this planet wants to read a book that sounds and looks professional. No one wants to read an OMG! or Lol! in any book they read (except when you are texting someone in your book and that is what they text someone).

2) Grammar

Last night at the party we had so much fun we even played spin the bottle: I'm glad my friend was there

I can name a thousand things wrong with that sentence. So, I am currently editing Falling For The Executor and some chapters I am thinking "What is wrong with me? How could I put in so many mistakes?" You see, realizing all of your mistakes is okay. You just have to fix them. So if you write like this, make sure that you put comma's, semicolons, and periods in your book. If you do, I guarantee that you will get some extra readers. Honestly, I have a really bad habit of putting too many comma's in my books. I usually have one in every sentence. So I really need to go back and fix that because also putting too much grammar can ruin a story.

3)  Run on sentences

Bob went to the store to buy apples, bananas, kiwis, apple juice, strawberry cheesecake ice cream, lemonade, bread, eggs, milk, and flour.

This is form one of run on sentences. Who cares?! I surely don't. Oh no! He isn't buying sugar, what are we going to do? (Note the sarcasm) All you have to say is "Bob went to the store to grab a few things for dinner tonight."

Run on sentence number two:

Bob and I had a lot of fun at the bowling alley because we bowled and I won because I got a score of eighty three and Bob had a score of fifty.

Woah there! That is way too much information for one sentence. Break your sentences down by replacing the 'and' and 'because' with a period.  

"Bob and I had a lot of fun at the bowling alley. We bowled and I won. The score was eighty three to fifty." Look at that sentence compared to the first. Tell me which one was better. If you put a few adjectives and transition words in those sentences, the sentence would have looked superb.

4) Spelling

Bob went to the Hayrold Bar Hal. He ordred a drink for a women acros the hal.

This sentence was so hard to write because it was full of spelling mistakes. I really suggest that people get an editor to edit their story so that you can make sure that your story is not filled with spelling mistakes.

If you are one of my pet peeves, this is my suggestion to you. Get an editor! It's always fun to have a sidekick in writing. They can always give you helpful advice.

To get an editor, go into the clubs and join the Editor Club. You can ask someone to be an editor. Or you can ask me to be your editor. I'm much nicer than I appear to be. I promise :)

So lets review. One, no texting language. Two, do grammar check. Three, avoid run on sentences. And four, do a spelling check. Also, I suggest an editor.

Thanks for reading my reading pet peeve and rant!

Comment some of your pet peeve's and maybe I'll feature it in future chapters. I hope this helped some of the writers out there.

Love y'all!


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