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Atta flew over the dark seas, the same ones she had flown over while travelling into the dark isles a few days before.

Three days ago.....

The great white dragon snapped her mouth shut, enclosing a writhing sea monster in her deadly jaws.

'Do.' Atta smacked one with her tail 'You.' She released the tiniest jet of flames on another 'Ever. Learn?!' She kept attacking and killing the slimy Devils that emerged endlessly from the black waters.

A set of wide jaws sunk its sharp teeth into Atta's wing, the white feathers quickly turning red from her blood.
She screeched and crash landed into the pure white sands of Deaths Door Beach.

Painfully laying there for days, her body recovering while her soul rested and slowly regained strength.
On her second day laying on the sands, Atta opened her magnificent eyes and hauled herself up with a little struggle.

She weakly flapped her wings and soared into the air, a floating object in the dark waters caught her keen eye.
She carefully swooped and scooped it up in her talons, her saddle. She had dropped it when the first sea beast had lurched itself out of the sea and chomped down on her leg.

Present day...

A little girl with green eyes and black hair ran past a brilliant sky blue dragon and a blonde maiden in the market place.
Toros watched the girl as she ran towards the gates, curious as to what she was doing, the farm dragon followed.
Mareline chased after her dragon as he walked with bigger strides than hers in the crowded street.

"What is it Toros?!" Mareline shouted over the noise of the hustling people.

'I'm finding that out now' he sarcastically replied, flying above the town and flapping to keep himself hovering above it. He turned his body so he was facing the direction where the towns guards were all looking at, a large black shape had appeared on the horizon.

When Toros sharpened his vision, he could see that this shadow was a dragon, flying weakly and clutching something gently in its claws.

Toros eyes snapped wide with realisation 'ATTA!' He reached her mind and yelled out to her, Atta began to dip lower, and lower towards the ground.

Toros tucked his wings against his sides and dived towards the ground in front of the town, His wings flared out at the right moment and guided the dragon to the ground majestically.

Toros landed and skidded, his claws churning up the earth and destroying the road. As fatigue took over Atta's being, her wing failed her and she began a plummeting dive towards the awaiting Farm dragon.

Atta barely remembered anything from her crash; Her body barrelling into another dragon who held her slightly as he fell to his side and slid backwards.
Her body was limp and her eyelids were heavy, the black leather saddle began to slip from her grasp.

Mareline picked it up as Toros used all his strengths and will power to lift, and carry, the heavily muscled warrior dragon gently in his claws.

Found Dragon- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now