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Atta cautiously landed on the ash-covered ground of the battlefield, she looked around pitifully.
Charm climbed down from the dragons back and looked around.

Not a sound was heard except the crunch of their feet on the ash and bones, a crow cawed in the distance and a black fox darted away at the sight of the dragon.

'No one's here' Atta's voice suddenly echoed through Charms mind, causing her to jump.

"How do you know?" The shifter challenged.

'I have a nose too ya know'

"Oh... Right... Hehe"

Charm shifted and sniffed around, her keen nose picking up a variety of different scents. Atta stalked around, her nose upturning bodies, bones, abandoned weapons, and piles of ash.
A familiar bundle of red hair caught her keen eye, she moved towards the body cautiously, already knowing it can't be Lorelie because Atta would have surely felt something.

She turned the girls body over with her paw, she was met with dull, dead grey eyes staring, unseeing into the dragons eyes. Atta whimpered in sadness, it was Anolis; Lorelie's twin sister. Although she wasn't Lorelie, Atta was still incredibly heartbroken to find one of her best friends dead.

Anolis' lifeless body had a sword through her stomach and an arrow through her back, having no chance of surviving that, she died.

'Charm, climb on' Atta ordered to the wolf, she lifted her fluffy head curiously from where she had been sniffing. When she saw the corpse clasped in the dragons talons, she instantly shifted and climbed on.

"Is she your rider?" Charm asked once they were high in the air.

'No, she is my riders sister' Atta answered solemnly.

Atta spied a meadow-like clearing in the forest they were currently flying over, she descended and gently dropped Anolis' body onto the soft grass. She landed next to her, waiting for Charm to climb off before she began to scoop dirt out of the earth, eventually creating a reasonably sized hole.

Charm watched as Atta placed the lifeless girl into the freshly dug grave, she watched as the saddened dragon arranged the body so her hands were resting over her chest while she grasped the hilt of her sword.

'Charm, close her eyes please' Atta requested, she looked at the weregirl expectantly.

Charm ran her hand gently over Anolis' face, successfully closing her dead eyes.

Atta's eyes suddenly snapped open from been closed, she felt a very familiar presence at the borders of her mind, cautiously she approached it.

'Goodbye Atta' the voice of Anolis whispered, she had saved that smallest bit of energy up, just to say goodby to the dragon. Since Anolis and Lorelie were both half nightgale elves, they could save their energy up for a few months by using their magic energy as the source. But they would eventually die, their magic supply ran dry.

Atta's eyes began to glaze over with large tears, they rolled down her large face and landed with a splash on the body of her best friend.

'Goodbye Anolis' The large beast nuzzled the dead girl, before moving the dirt back into place with her paw, concealing the lifeless girl from the world.

Only dragons could see spirits been lifted, Atta watched the dark blue aura leave the earth and orbit around her. It came back to the front of vision and took the shape of a pretty, happy girl. Anolis; her feet seemed nonexistent as she floated in front of Atta's head, the spirit smiled and laughed melodically, before rising up into the sky with her laugh still hanging in the air.

Atta watched her go, she stood on her hind legs and did a sort of dragon rear, like a horse but on a much larger scale. She flared out her magnifying wings and released a puff of black smoke from her nostrils, and a blast of hot breath, no fire.

She found a boulder, a small pebble to her. Atta order Charm to hold it in place while she hammered it into the ground with her tough tail, careful not to hit Charm's hands.

Atta then sat in front of the half finished grave, her mind racing as she thought about what should go onto the headstone.

She eventually fell asleep, with her mind and body working so hard, she was worn out completely. Charm snuggled into Atta's warm side, finding herself with sleeplessness, she stayed on guard.

Found Dragon- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now