Chapter 19

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~ Chapter 19 ~

* Nicole's POV *

All of our furniture had been delivered to the house and set up for us. The boys have spoken to management and it's been agreed that we'll continue rehearsing for the Take Me Home Tour in London. That's where they're having it start anyway, so that's convenient. We'd arrived at the new house and I went straight to bed. As I'm lying in bed, I hear Harry in the hall. His phone is on speaker because it hasn't been working right lately.  I climb out of bed and crawl across the floor trying not to run into anything. I sit against the door and listen.


 "Hello mum!" Harry says happily "We made it to London safely."

 "Good! How's Nicole?"

Harry speaks slowly. "Having a hard time... The fact that she lost her sight has been really hard for her to accept."

 "What was her mum's name again?" Harry's mom asks.

Harry says my mom's name out loud and I struggle to not cry. I miss her so much...

His mom gasps. "I was right!"

"What?" Harry demands, obviously confused.

"Nicole. She's your cousin. Well half cousin..." She explains to Harry how I'm related to him.

Once she's done Harry laughs. "That explains why she looks a little like me."

He's right about that. We both have curly brown hair and green eyes. At least, my eyes used to be green. I don't know what color they are now. They're probably gray because they don't work anymore. The doctor said I'll have my sight back, but I don't believe him.

Harry finishes his conversation and hangs up. I speak quietly. "Harry?"

I hear him jump. "You scared me Kitten! What do you need?"

"Can you help me find my bed?"

"Sure." He takes my hand and leads me to my bed. I crawl under the blankets. "Hey Harry?"


I ask, "Are we really related?"

"So you heard all of that.." He sighs.

"Yeppp. " I reply, popping the P. (A/N Ha, that sounds funny)

"Apparently we are, little cousin. Now get some sleep."

I hear his footsteps walk away and the door being closed. I decide to do what he said, and sleep.

                                     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

"So blind people do see colors in their dreams." I say to myself.

I'm up really high. There's a city below me. It appears to be the middle of the night here with not much activity going on. I try to move and realize that I'm tied to something. I look straight down and scream. I'm having that dream again where I'm tied to the Eifel tower.

"It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream...." I whisper.

The figure of a man that I've seen in my dreams comes over to me out of nowhere. He's floating on air right out in front of me. Weird. He removes his hood for the first time. He has green eyes and brown curly hair. He looks a lot like me. His hair is lighter than Harry's, like mine is. He's tan, like I am. He's pretty tall and fairly skinny.

"Hello Nicole." He says.

I stare at him. "Who. are. you?"

"Jeremy Styles. AKA, your father."

I gasp. "WHAT. Wait, Styles isn't my last name. How can you be my dad?"

He frowns. "Your mother changed it back to her last name."

"Oh." I think for a moment. "Why are you in my dream?"

"It's your dream..." He shrugs.

"Are you the one who's been stalking me?"

He laughs."I like to call it, keeping an eye on MY daughter."

"You keep hurting me and my family!"

"Actually, that's not me who keeps hurting them." He floats closer to me.

"Then who keeps hurting us?"

"There's more to your family than just me." He reaches over and unties the ropes that kept me against the Eifel tower. He laughs as I fall to the sleeping city below, screaming the whole way down.

                                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up to see the boys surrounding my bed with startled looks on their faces. WAIT. I woke up and SAW them. I begin crying hysterically from happiness. I can see again! I can see.

They all begin to panic. They don't know why I'm crying. The boys think I'm upset...

"I- I-" I try to speak.

"WHAT." They scream.

"I CAN SEE." I yell through tears. They looks at each other first trying to comprehend my words. Then they hug me and soon we're all crying with relief.

We all finally calm down. "Why were you screaming in your sleep?" Liam asks.

"The man who's been stalking us." I take a deep breath. "I know who he is now."

Zayn looks doubtful. "From a dream?"

"YES. It all makes sense now. He's my dad. My real dad. Jeremy Styles."

Harry gasps. "That was my uncle. He disappeared a long time ago and everyone assumed he was dead."

"He's not."

"Wait, Wait, Wait." Niall says, holding up his hands. "How did you learn all this from a dream?"

I sigh. "I'm not sure... The day before you guys adopted me, I had a dream. A man told me that everything was about to change. Things would get better, then worse, then horrible, but that I have to fight through it all. He told me that it would all be worth it in the end. I still don't know who the man was. " I  paused for a moment.

"Right after my mom died, I had a dream. It was the same man, but my mom was with him. They made me promise to keep fighting. Always. No matter what, I have to move on. I promised my mom that.

When I began getting bullied by kids at school, the man was in my dreams again. He said that I was strong and I could get through it. That their opinions shouldn't mean a thing to me. That I can be whoever I want to be and I don't need permission to be me. I've always listened to him and he's always been right. "

The boys sit there with their mouths hanging open. I giggle. Then I pull out my phone and send a text message. The boys lean over my shoulder to watch me.

ME Jeremy Styles?

UNKNOWN NUMBER Hello Nicole. Congratulations.

ME What do you mean?

UNKNOWN NUMBER Tell my nephew I said Hello. We'll be in touch.

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