Chapter 6

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The boys recovered quicker than I did. I heard Liam say "We'll cal you back once we make our decision." I was still standing there frozen to the spot.

"Nicole? Nicoooleeee?" Harry waved a hand in front of my face.

"W-What?" I shook my head around.

Niall smiled at me, "What do you think princess? You wanna preform on tour with us?"

I thought for a minute before answering. "Of course, but I'm worried I'll mess up your tour. What if everyone leaves after I preform because I'm so bad?"

The boys rolled their eyes. Then Zayn's eyes lit up. (A/N not literally, it's a metaphor)

"Nicole come here. I want you to listen to my friend sing." He turned on his phone and clicked the screen a couple times. "Now listen and tell me how good of a singer she is."

I shrugged and listened. She was singing Rolling in the Deep by Adele. I love that song! There was only a piano playing in the background. She was really good. (Youtube link on side. In the video there's no piano but whatever. I imagine Nicole's voice to sound like Ariana Grande's. Ok? So ya, that's how she sings)

After the song ended, the boys stared at me expectantly. "That girl sounded amazing! Why did you have me listen to her sing?"

Harry shook his head. "Kitten, that was you. Two weeks ago, playing the piano in your room." The others nodded. I finally believed them.

"Wow, I'm gooood." They laughed.


"I'll do it."

The boys cheered. Liam called their management back and told them that I said yes. We start recording in 2 weeks. What am I gonna do until then?

* * *

The next afternoon I decided to ask the boys if I could join a gymnastics gym.

"Hey guys... you know how back in Kansas City I was on a gymnastics team?"


"Uh huh"

"Yay for flips!"

"I was hoping I could join a gym here."

"Alright. Let's look some up." Liam said and went to get his laptop.

After like an hour of reseach, we found nothing. I mean, there were all kinds of gyms, but none of them were very good. The boys insisted I join a really good gym. We eventually gave up. It was probably a good thing too. If I go on tour, I won't be able to do gymnastics competitions.

Harry said that I needed a Twitter. I didn't know much about it, but I made an account, with Harry's help of course. The boys all taught me how to use Twitter. Then they all tweeted about me.

"Follow our lil kitten! <3 @nicoleeeeee_official"

"My princess made a twitter! @nicoleeeeee_official"

"Hello baby carrot! @nicoleeeeee_official"

"We helped Nicole make a Twitter! @nicoleeeeee_official"

"Hi Nikky!!!! R U READING THIS? @nicoleeeeee_official

I clicked the refresh button on the laptop and I already had 12K followers. Wow. I thanked the boys for helping me and went up to my room. I decided to post a tweet.

"Hi everybody! This is my first tweet! haha. Idk wat to do.. ;P Want me to c if the boys wanna do a twit cam with me?"

i waited a few minutes before checking my twitter. Here was some of the feedback:

"Yes! Please do a twit cam with 1D"

"you are adorable<3"



"go kill yourself."

"u dont deserve to live with 1D"

"Ignore the haters! Stay strong baby"

The mean comments bothered me, but I knew none of them were true. i tried to follow all of the people who were nice to me. Then I tweeted again.

"Hey! Thanks for the really nice comments. And the not so nice. -__-

I have a skype now. Comment your skype and I'll talk to all of the people who were nice to me.(: and I'll make the boys b on the skype convo. too!"

I watched the screen as comments soared in. I quickly ran downstairs with the laptop and told the boys about what I'd tweeted.

"Ok, cool." Zayn nodded


Louis tried to calm him down. "Mate, it's alright. I don't think it bothered her."

"It doesn't" I logged onto Skype and called the 1st commenter.

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